PSI - Issue 47


Christoph Bleicher et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 47 (2023) 478–487 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000


Fig. 2 Axial fatigue specimens used for stress controlled fatigue tests with K t = 1.04, a) for base material, b) for integral material state

Fig. 3 Removal plan for the integral axial fatigue specimens removed across the base material, the heat-affected zone and the base material (Bleicher, 2022)

Fig. 4 Bending specimen used for investigations on the base material and the welding, K t = 1.10, removed from cast blocks

4. Investigations on fatigue strength For the evaluation of the cyclic material behavior stress-controlled fatigue test under ambient air and room temperature were conducted and evaluated for a comparison between all materials. All specimens were investigated until a crack initiated or until the limit number of cycles of N lim = 1·10 7 . The stress-controlled fatigue tests were conducted on electric resonance test rigs with maximum loads of 100 kN (axial specimens) and 200 kN (bending

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