PSI - Issue 47

M. Iqbal Maulana et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 47 (2023) 150–158 Maulana et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000 which represent the coefficient of strain rate hardening and thermal softening exponent respectively, ̇ ∗ = ̇/ ̇ 0 is the dimensionless strain rate ( ̇ is the strain rate, while ̇ 0 is the reference strain rate) and ∗ is the homologous temperatur and expressed as ∗ = ( − )−( − ) . Here, is the absolute temperature, is the melting temperature and is the reference temperature [Lin et al., 2010]. 153 4

Figure 1. Experimental arrangement tests by Rushton et al. [2008].

Figure 2. Pipe model for numerical simulation.

There are various materials and shapes that can be used as energy-absorbing structures. Mild steel is a ferrous metal made of iron and carbon. It is a low-cost material with properties suitable for most engineering applications. The cylinder material used in this study is mild steel API-5L-X42. A series of modeling will be carried out on an open ended steel cylinder with 800 mm long, 324 mm diameter, and 9.5 mm thick, with an explosive charge centrally located inside the cylinder (shown in Figure 3). The modeling size is obtained based on the literature [Rushton et al., 2008] with the pipes being open-ended, some of the complicated effects of blast reflections inside a closed vessel will be reduced. The explosion occurred from a landmine located 400 mm in the center of the pressure vessel. Here are the design and the specification of mild steel.

Fig. 3. Mechanical drawing of the pipe geometry in numerical simulation (in mm).

Table 1. Specifications of the applied mild steel. Parameter



7850 kg/m 3

Young’s Modulus Poisson’s Ratio

201 GPa


Yield Strength

290 MPa

Ultimate Tensile Strength

413.7 MPa

Figure 4. The maximum plastic strain for different charge masses [Rushton et al., 2008].

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