PSI - Issue 47

A. Vrouva et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 47 (2023) 521–534 Vrouva et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



university of Athens and the Laboratory for Earthquake engineering. Specimens of the connectors were prepared (see Fig. 13) in titanium.

Fig. 13. Titanium pecimens of the connectors to be tested.

Two types of specimens were prepared for testing as seen in Fig. 14.

Fig. 14. Marble - titanium specimens of the connectors left: the orthostate part, right: the backing wall part.

The testing in tension of the metal parts of the connectors was carried out with the use of a stiff metal arrangement and a hydraulic jack and the applied load was measured with a manometer attached to the jack. The load was applied manually (Fig. 15). The tests showed that the anchorage on the backing wall was sufficient to carry the design loads (Fig. 16 and Table 2), while the L shaped rods proved unable to reach the desirable load limit set from the design and slipped out of the hole at a lower pull out force (Fig. 17, Table 3). It was also noted that for the horizontal specimens tested the variance of the ultimate force-and the nominal ultimate strain- was significant (mean σ u,nom =503MPa, standard deviation 50MPa) and that the increased anchorage length of the L-shaped specimens did not actually favored the ultimate slip out force.

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