PSI - Issue 47

Andre Hartawan Mettanadi et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 47 (2023) 168–175 Mettanadi et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



3.2. Finite element settings In modeling the FE model, the name "Cyl-1" is used to name the FE model to be simulated. For the geometry element used is the shell and has a uniform thickness of t = 1 mm. The cylindrical shell has the same axial height of 150 mm and an outer ring diameter of 60 mm. The parameters of the α , m , and n sections are 0.5, 6, and 2, respectively. And for the hexagonal concave section at Cyl-1, it has dimensions which can be seen from Figure 2.

Figure 3. Compression illustration of the Cyl-1.

For the boundary conditions, the illustration is shown in Figure 3. The upper surface of Cyl-1 is compressed by the rigid wall moving at an angle of 00. The mass of the moving rigid wall is 600 kg. The subsurface of Cyl-1 is restricted to the fixed end ( U 1 = U 2 = U 3 = U R 1 = U R 2 = U R 3 =0) for further details can be seen in Figure 4. For the upper part, there is a horizontal buckling displacement boundary condition. The loading speed given for the FE model from Cyl-1 is 15m/s axial. The element size/mesh given is 1 mm and the time step in the simulation is 8 ms.

Fixed End U 1 =U 2 =U 3 =U R1 =U R2 =U R3

Fig. 4 Boundary condition of Cyl-1

3.3. Applied material Several studies in the field of crashworthiness have been carried out using aluminum, some of them such as Zarei and Kroger (2007) who researched crashworthiness using aluminum filled with foam, the next example is Jafarzadeh and Schroder (2022) who researched crashworthiness using aluminum 6060 as a base material, another example is Rogala et al. (2020) who use Aluminum 6061-T6 as the basic material for conical energy-absorbers. Based on the observations on the pioneer works, the used material in this study is Aluminum 6061-T4, with lightweight high performance characteristics. The material properties is displayed in Table 1 and the stress-strain curve is shown in Figure 5 for this material.

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