PSI - Issue 47

Fatima Gugouch et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 47 (2023) 952–958 Fatima Gugouch/ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000



considerable growth. It seemed useful to us more, our work falls within the framework of this same technique. For more details, the reader is referred to references Villemeur (1992). Bathtub curve have been demonstrated as an important tool for determining the behavior of the maintenance strategy to choose, depending on the infant stage, the useful life and that of wear. They are determined using a newly developed method using the superimposition of the reliability and damage curves. Then, a characteristic parameter contributing to powerful maintenance was calculated, the mean time between failures (MTBF). The use of thermoplastics is very widespread, mainly because of their low cost price compared to metals and the simplicity of the manufacturing process (generally by extrusion). The general and technical knowledge acquired in the laboratory and in the field made it possible to formulate an important set of recommendations on the design, installation, possibilities and limits of use, as well as on the physicochemical properties of the thermoplastics used in piping Wyly (1978) and Chasis (1988). chlorinated poly (vinyl chloride) (CPVC) tubes are used in various fields of drinking water supply and chemical transport and distribution by virtue of their interesting mechanical and physical characteristics in the presence of chemicals and their good behavior at high temperatures.

2. Chlorinated PVC Pipe Maintenance

The role of maintenance begins from the design of the production system. In fact, several important factors are predetermined, such as maintainability, reliability, availability, as well as durability, Fig.1, Chahid (1996).

Fig. 1. Reliability, maintainability and availability

2.1. Types of Pipe Maintenance Maintenance in its general aspect breaks down into several types depending on the strategy adopted. It breaks down into corrective and systematic maintenance. Systematic maintenance, by itself, is split into preventive, conditional and predictive maintenance. The different types are not independent and interact within the same strategy depending on the profitability and the risks envisaged. CPVC pipes are integrated into drinking water and sanitation networks, other cold or hot fluids. They are exposed to major risks linked to the bursting of pipes, loss of containment, premature wear and external accidents. In addition, baseless early replacement can be very costly for manufacturers, hence the need to have maintenance plan defining the optimum strategy to carry out.

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