PSI - Issue 47

Adriansyah Bagus Aryanto et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 47 (2023) 159–167 Aryanto et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



1. Introduction Shear wall structures are one possible option as a suitable lateral load-bearing system for new structures or as a means of retrofitting existing buildings. There are various kinds of shear walls, one of which is the steel plate shear wall (SPSW). SPSW is a new type of lateral load-bearing structure developed in the 1970s. The system consists of steel plates, one floor high and one cavity wide connected to beams and columns joined by welds, bolts or both. The slab is installed in one or more cavities for the full height of the building. The surrounding steel frame can be applied with simple beam-to-column connections or moments (Tan et al., 2022). SPSW is a highly efficient type of structure used in medium to high-rise buildings due to its moderate stiffness and lateral strength and good ductility. SPSW often uses flat steel plates as infill shear panels. However, small stiffness beyond the flat SPSW plane can lead to initial global buckling and the formation of a diagonal tension field mechanism, which can carry additional loads on the boundary columns and beams (Yu et al., 2022). In improving the function, generally thin SPSW added stiffener. Buckling behavior on the shear panel can be changed from global to local or interactive buckling by adding a stiffener (Wang et al., 2022). However, SPSW with stiffener increases construction costs due to time-consuming factors and the high cost of welding thin plates (Li et al., 2019). Therefore, thin steel as an infill was modified in the hope of increasing its capacity but still having a low construction cost. The previous work tested the trapezoidal vertical corrugated steel shear wall experimentally. The difference with thin SPSW is in the infill. As a result of the force-displacement hysteresis behavior, the specimen dissipates energy stably. Nevertheless, constructing such experiment will be unavoidably costly in terms of the time and research fund. Numerical analysis can be a good proposed solution to predict the structural response which in the same time, also needs validation. This work is addressed to conduct the numerical analysis by considering finite element method (FEM, see Alwan et al., 2022; Do et al., 2022; Fajri et al., 2022; Mubarok et al., 2022; Muttaqie et al., 2019; Prabowo et al., 2022a-c; Ridwan et al., 2022; Widiyanto et al., 2022) to calculate behavior of SPSW based on the previous experiment by Emami et al. (2013). The methodology of the FEM can be projected for further parametric studies which is addressed to obtain satisfying SPSW with the best performance. 2. Literature Review 2.1. PFI Method Trapezoidal vertical corrugated steel shear walls were made using the Plate Frame Interaction (PFI) method (Wang et al., 2022). The PFI method first analyzes the thin SPSW, which investigates the behavior of the web frame and plate separately, and as a result, it can express a broader view of the component interactions. Based on this method, after calculating and obtaining a shear load transfer diagram for the web and frame plates, a trilinear interaction diagram is obtained through the principle of superposition (Mamazizi et al., 2022). Ultimate strength vertical corrugated steel shear wall or is obtained from Eq. (1) (Emami et al., 2013). =( 1 2 ) 2 + 4 ℎ (1) where is the thickness of the infill plate, is the width of the infill plate, is the ultimate stress, is the slope angle of the main tensile stress from the vertical axis with a value of 30° for this specimen, ℎ is the height of the infill plate. Interactive shear buckling of the infill corrugated panel or obtained from Eq. (2) (Yi et al., 2008). =( 1 , )+( 1 , ) (2) where , is the local buckling of the corrugated shear panel when a flat sub-plate between vertical edges buckles and , is the global buckling of the corrugated shear panel. Then, limiting shear elastic displacement of corrugated panel frame or was obtained from Eq. (3).

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