PSI - Issue 47
M. Iqbal Maulana et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 47 (2023) 150–158 Maulana et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000
The experimental results carried out by Rushton shows a comparison of power models and experimental data points based on the plastic hoop strain for different load masses with a comparison of the bomb masses based on the reference [Rushton et al., 2008] as shown in Figure 4. Displayed data in Figure 4 indicates that it is important to choose materials to be used for testing based on actual dynamic material properties (having appropriate strain values and strain rates) that can be used as pressure vessel test materials. The results of the experiments that have been carried out with Johnson-Cook and von-Misses numerical calculations show consistent data so that the experiment can be declared as satisfactory and successful. 4. FE Setting and Configuration In this study, the modeling design uses the ABAQUS/Explicit application to characterize the failure process by increasing the size of the explosive charge gradually until rupture occurs in the pressure vessel. In order to minimize system memory storage and reduce analysis computation time, due to the symmetrical shape of the pressure vessel, only a quarter of the pressure vessel structure is modeled, and the symmetry boundary conditions are applied to the vessel structure. The design of pressure vessels is carried out using the Finite Element Analysis method. Modeling space vessels using 3D shapes – Solid, and the method used is Dynamics, Explicit. In addition, boundary conditions are applied to restrain the explosive load that occurs when an explosion is applied to the structure, and boundary conditions are located in the cross-sectional area of the upper and lower pipe profiles. The upper boundary conditions (shown in Figure 5) have boundary conditions – symmetry / Antisymmetry / Encastre (XSYMM ( U 1 = U R 2 = U R 3 =0)). The lower boundary conditions (shown in Figure 5) have boundary conditions – symmetry / Antisymmetry / Encastre (YSYMM ( U 1 = U R 2 = U R 3 =0)). The explosion position is located at a distance of 400 mm in the center of the pressure vessel, with a TNT loading model increasing gradually, starting from 0.2 kg to 1.4 kg.
Figure 5. Boundary conditions applied to the study.
The meshing part is very important in finite element simulation. In this study, variations of meshing were carried out with a size of 0.0025 m – 0.025 m, increasing gradually by 0.0025 m. The settings for the mesh properties and the mesh size of the model are depicted in Figure 6 with the details are given in Table 2.
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