PSI - Issue 47

Andre Hartawan Mettanadi et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 47 (2023) 168–175 Mettanadi et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



Acknowledgments This research was funded by Universitas Sebelas Maret under funding scheme “Penelitian Hibah Grup Riset ” (HGR-UNS) year 2023 with contract/grant number 228/UN27.22/PT.01.03/2023. The grant is gratefully acknowledged by authors. References Abramowicz, W., Jones, N., 1984. Dynamic axial crushing of circular tubes. International Journal of Impact Engineering 2(3): 263 – 281. Alwan, F.H.A., Prabowo, A.R., Muttaqie, T., Muhayat, N., Ridwan, R., Laksono, 2022. Assessment of ballistic impact damage on aluminum and magnesium alloys against high velocity bullets by dynamic FE simulations. Journal of Mechanical Behavior of Materials 31: 595-616. Ansori, D.T.A., Prabowo, A.R., Muttaqie, T., Muhayat, N., Laksono, F.B., Tjahjana, D.D.D.P., Prasetyo, A., Kuswardi, Y., 2022. Investigation of Honeycomb Sandwich Panel Structure using Aluminum Alloy (AL6XN) Material under Blast Loading. Civil Engineering Journal 8(5): 1046 1068. Dabit, A.S., Lianto, A.E., Branta, S.A., Nubli, H., Laksono, F.B., Prabowo, A.R., Muhayat, N., 2020. Design of Fish Feed Spreader Unmanned Vessels in Coastal Areas Based on Arduino Microcontroller. Mekanika 19(2): 74-82 (In Indonesian). Do, Q.T., Muttaqie, T., Nhut, P.T., Vu, M.T., Khoa, N.D., Prabowo, A.R., 2022. Residual ultimate strength assessment of submarine pressure hull under dynamic ship collision. Ocean Engineering 266: 112951. Gagnon, R.E., Wang, J., 2012. Numerical simulations of a tanker collision with a bergy bit incorporating hydrodynamics, a validated ice model and damage to the vessel. Cold Regions Science and Technology 81: 26-35. Jafarzadeh, N, A., Schroder, K, U., 2022. Mechanism of reproducible axial impact of square crash box. Thin-Walled Structures 176: 109602. Kim, H, S., 2002. New extruded multi-cell alumunium profile for maximum crash energy absorption and weight efficiency. Thin Walled Structures 40: 311-327. Liang, H., Hao, W., Sun, H., Pu, Y., Zhao, Y., Ma, F., 2022. On design of novel bionic bamboo tubes for multiple compression load case. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 218: 107067. Mubarok, M.A.H., Prabowo, A.R., Muttaqie, T., Muhayat, N., 2022. Dynamic Structural Assessment of Blast Wall Designs on Military-Based Vehicle Using Explicit Finite Element Approach. Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2022: 5883404. Nubli, H., Utomo, F.S., Diatmaja, H., Prabowo, A.R., Ubaidillah, Susilo, D.D., Wibowo, Muttaqie, T., Laksono, F.B., 2022. Design of the Bengawan Unmanned Vehicle (UV) Roboboat: Mandakini Neo. Mekanika 21(2): 64-74. Prabowo, A.R., Bae, D.M., 2019. Environmental risk of maritime territory subjected to accidental phenomena: Correlation of oil spill and ship grounding in the Exxon Valdez's case. Results in Engineering 4: 100035. Prabowo, A.R., Do, Q.T., Cao, B., Bae, D.M., 2020. Land and marine-based structures subjected to explosion loading: A review on critical transportation and infrastructure. Procedia Structural Integrity 27: 77-84. Prabowo, A.R., Ridwan, R., Tuswan, T., Imaduddin, F., 2022. Forecasting the Effects of Failure Criteria in Assessing Ship Structural Damage Modes. Civil Engineering Journal 8(10): 2053-2068. Prabowo, A.R., Tuswan, T., Ridwan, R., 2021. Advance d Development of Sensors’ Roles in Maritime -Based Industry and Research: From Field Monitoring to High-Risk Phenomenon Measurement. Applied Sciences 11: 3954. Rogala, M., Gajewski, J., Ferdynus, M., 2020. The effect of geometrical non-linearity on the crashworthiness of thin-walled conical energy absorbers. Materials 13(21): 4857. Smaradhana, D.F., Prabowo, A.R., Ganda, A.N.F., 2021. Exploring the potential of graphene materials in marine and shipping industries – A technical review for prospective application on ship operation and material-structure aspects. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science 6: 299-316. Sun, G., Liu, T., Jianguang, F., Grant, P.S., Qing, L., 2018. Configurational optimization of multi-cell topologies for multiple oblique loads. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 57: 469-488. Tarlochan, F., Samer, F., Hamouda, A, M.S., Ramesh, S., Khalid, K., 2013. Design of thin wall structures for energy absorption applications: Enchancement of Crashworthiness due to axial and oblique impact forces. Thin-Walled Structures 71: 7-17. Vinayagar, K., Senthil, K.A., 2017. Crashworthiness analysis of double section tubular thin-walled structures. Thin-Walled Structures 112:184 193. Widiyanto, I., Prabowo, A.R., Muttaqie, T., Muhayat, T., Yaningsih, I., Tjahjana, D.D.D.P., Juwana, W.E., Miyazaki, T., 2022. Effects of geometry and material factors on the behavior of stiffened offshore pipe structures under hydrostatic pressure. Journal of Applied Engineering Science 20(4): 1103-1121. Zarei, H.R., Kroger, M., 2007. Optimization of the foam- filled aluminum tubes for crush box application. Thin-Walled Structures 46: 214 – 221.

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