PSI - Issue 47
Aghiles Khris et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 47 (2023) 888–891 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000
Fig. 5. Sliding measured on the fabric oriented with: (a) 22.5° ; (b) 45°.
The evolution of the shear versus the applied pressure is given in Fig. 6 for the two configurations of springs (4R and 8R) and the two orientation of the fabric: 22.5° and 45°. The shear is greater in the case of the 4R configuration for the 2 orientations of the fabric and for all the pressures applied. Overall, the shear is lower in the case of the 45° orientation of the fabric. For all the tests, the shear is weak and does not exceed 12° for all the tests.
Fig. 6. Shear measured on the fabric oriented with: (a) 22.5° ; (b) 45°.
4. Conclusion Finally, we can make the following concluding remarks
• The relative orientation Fabric/punch has a great effect on the preform quality • The mesoscopic defects are more important for a fabric orientation of a 22.5°.
• The 4R+ configuration of the springs seems to be the optimal • The defects evolve proportionally to the applied pressure • The intensity of the sliding appears to vary with pressure but remains sensitive to local fabric conditions. • The shear is weak and does not exceed 12° for all the tests. References Abdul-Latif, A., Ahmed-Ali, A., Baleh, R., Ould Ouali, M. Innovative solution for strength enhancement of metallic like-composite tubular structures axially crushed used as energy dissipating devices, Thin-Walled Structures, 119, pp. 332-344 (2017). Allaoui, S., Hivet, G., Soulat, D., Wendling, A., Ouagne, P., & Chatel, S. (2014). Experimental preforming of highly double curved shapes with a case corner using an interlock reinforcement. International Journal of Material Forming, 7(2), 155-165. C. Cruanes, A . Shanwan, S. Méo, S. Allaoui, M.P. Deffarges, F. Lacroix, G. Hivet, “Effect of mesoscopic out -of-plane defect on the fatigue behavior of a GFRP”, Mechanics of materials, Vol 117: 214 -224, 2018. Y. Fu and X. Yao. A review on manufacturing defects and their detection of fiber reinforced resin matrix composites, Composites Part C, Volume 8, 2022, 10.
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