PSI - Issue 47

Saud Alsaghir et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 47 (2023) 437–447 Saud Alsaghir/ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2023) 000 – 000




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Figure 7. Wear factor (k) of P110, and L80 samples test at rotational motion of 115 rpm only, and two varying loads (1400N and 1000N) for 90 mins under oil-based condition, and sm2535-110 sample test at 115 rpm, sliding motion of 0 mm/s, and two varying loads (1400N and 1000N) for 60 mins under oil-based condition. 4.4. Effect of the loads on the casing wear factor The wear factor is inversely related to the side loads as shown in the above wear factor equation (2). Although, it can be noticed that increasing the side load leads to higher values of the wear factor in the experimental results. This is because increasing the load will decrease the lubricant film between the casing and the tool joint, hence, the contact area increases, and more volume will be removed due to the direct contact. P110 steel grade has less value of the wear factor for all conditions which means it has more wear resistance. This can be explained due to the high carbon composition percent in the P110 grade. L80 grade behaves similarly to P110 but it has higher values of the wear factor and less carbon composition than P110. This could be explained due to inherited wear resistance for the higher steel grade with higher hardness. Due to the increase in the side load, the wear factor for P110 steel increased by a factor of almost 1.4 in the absence of sliding motion and by a factor of almost 1.1 as a result of a sliding motion of 2.5 mm/s. L80 steel wear factor increased by a factor of 1.2 under rotational motion, while for the combination of the rotational and sliding motion, the wear factor increased by 1.05. For sm2535-110, with only rotational motion, the wear factor increased by a factor of 1.34 and increased by 1.09 after applying the sliding motion. Thus, for rotational motion only and the combination of both rotational and sliding motion, the wear factor increased as the side loads increased. However, for all types of materials under sliding and rotational motion, the wear factor slightly increased as the load increased. 4.5 Effect of the sliding motion It can be noticed that P110 and sm2535 under a load of 1400 N, a rotational speed of 115 rpm the calculated wear factor is 4.86 (10 -9 MPa -1 ) and 369.52 (10 -9 MPa -1 ) respectively, while under a load of 1400 N and combined sliding motion of 2.5 mm/s and rotational speed of 115 rpm, the wear factor is 1,042.93 (10 -9 MPa -1 ) and 1,520.84 (10 -9 MPa -1 ) respectively. That is, the wear factor increased by a factor of almost 200 for P110 and 4.1 for sm2535-110 when the sliding motion is applied. P110 steel wear factor increased significantly when the sliding motion was applied in the experiment while sm2535 slightly increased. In addition, Figure (7) shows that for rotational motion only, P110 and sm2535-110 are having a

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