PSI - Issue 47
Yogie Muhammad Lutfi et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 47 (2023) 660 – 667 Lutfi et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000
2.3. Applied loading scheme In this finite element analysis, the load pressure was determined, which was obtained by calculating the estimated water level that reached the ship’s hull. Thus, a value of 0.16 MPa is obtained. Then, the transverse load on the stiffened panel side can be calculated from the pressure multiplied by the thickness of the plate multiplied by the length of the plate; the value is 10440. The complete details of the applied loading in the pre-processing stage are presented in Figure 5.
: Pressure (0.16 MPa) : Concentrated Force Side (100.38 MPa) : Concentrated Force Corner (50.19 MPa)
(a) (b) Figure 5. Panel illustration: (a) schematic 3D model of an overall panel [Paik and Kim, 2002], and (b) the 3D model in the current FEA with the applied loadings. 3. Result and Discussion 3.1. Designed panel geometry: ultimate strength After performing the simulation on the heavy model, the following results are obtained. After the simulation, the results for the initial step or step 2:0 are obtained, as shown in Figure 6. In this figure, the model only accepts the pressure force. In the absence of axial compression, the force is obtained from the pressure under the plate and the sides of the plate. As a result of the pressure force, the middle part of the model has the highest stress. Furthermore, the next step is described in Figure 7 which described step 2:8.
Figure 6. Results of the heavy model simulation for the step (2:0).
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