PSI - Issue 47

Umberto De Maio et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 47 (2023) 469–477 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000



Acknowledgements Umberto De Maio and Paolo Lonetti gratefully acknowledge financial support from Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR) for the Research Grant PRIN 2020 No. 2020EBLPLS on “Opportunities and challenges of nanotechnology in advanced and green construction materials”. References Abdel Wahab, M.M., De Roeck, G., 1999. DAMAGE DETECTION IN BRIDGES USING MODAL CURVATURES: APPLICATION TO A REAL DAMAGE SCENARIO. Journal of Sound and Vibration 226, 217–235. Allemang, R.J., Brown, D.L., 1982. A Correlation Coefficient for Modal Vector analysis, in: Proceeding of the 1st International Modal Analysis Conference 110-116. Ammendolea, D., Greco, F., Leonetti, L., Lonetti, P., Pascuzzo, A., 2023. A numerical failure analysis of nano-filled ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete structures via a moving mesh approach. Ammendolea, D., Greco, F., Lonetti, P., Luciano, R., Pascuzzo, A., 2021. Crack propagation modeling in functionally graded materials using Moving Mesh technique and interaction integral approach. Composite Structures 269, 114005. Aram, M.R., Czaderski, C., Motavalli, M., 2008. Debonding failure modes of flexural FRP-strengthened RC beams. Composites Part B: Engineering 39, 826–841. Chen, G.M., Teng, J.G., Chen, J.F., 2011. Finite-Element Modeling of Intermediate Crack Debonding in FRP-Plated RC Beams. J. Compos. Constr. 15, 339–353. Conde, B., Ramos, L.F., Oliveira, D.V., Riveiro, B., Solla, M., 2017. Structural assessment of masonry arch bridges by combination of non destructive testing techniques and three-dimensional numerical modelling: Application to Vilanova bridge. Engineering Structures 148, 621– 638. De Maio, U., Cendón, D., Greco, F., Leonetti, L., Nevone Blasi, P., Planas, J., 2021. Investigation of concrete cracking phenomena by using cohesive fracture-based techniques: A comparison between an embedded crack model and a refined diffuse interface model. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 115, 103062. De Maio, U., Fabbrocino, F., Greco, F., Leonetti, L., Lonetti, P., 2019a. A study of concrete cover separation failure in FRP-plated RC beams via an inter-element fracture approach. Composite Structures 212, 625–636. De Maio, U., Gaetano, D., Greco, F., Lonetti, P., Pranno, A., 2023a. The damage effect on the dynamic characteristics of FRP-strengthened reinforced concrete structures. Composite Structures 309, 116731. De Maio, U., Greco, F., Leonetti, L., Luciano, R., Nevone Blasi, P., Vantadori, S., 2019b. A refined diffuse cohesive approach for the failure analysis in quasibrittle materials—part II: Application to plain and reinforced concrete structures. Fatigue Fract Eng Mater Struct 42, 2764– 2781. De Maio, U., Greco, F., Leonetti, L., Nevone Blasi, P., Pranno, A., 2022a. A cohesive fracture model for predicting crack spacing and crack width in reinforced concrete structures. Engineering Failure Analysis 139, 106452. De Maio, U., Greco, F., Leonetti, L., Nevone Blasi, P., Pranno, A., 2022b. An investigation about debonding mechanisms in FRP-strengthened RC structural elements by using a cohesive/volumetric modeling technique. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 117, 103199. De Maio, U., Greco, F., Luciano, R., Sgambitterra, G., Pranno, A., 2023b. Microstructural design for elastic wave attenuation in 3D printed nacre like bioinspired metamaterials lightened with hollow platelets. Mechanics Research Communications 128, 104045. Doebling, S.W., Farrar, C.R., Prime, M.B., 1998. A Summary Review of Vibration-Based Damage Identification Methods. The Shock and Vibration Digest 30, 91–105. Farrar, C.R., Doebling, S.W., Nix, D.A., 2001. Vibration–based structural damage identification. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 359, 131–149. Foster, S.J., Marti, P., 2003. Cracked Membrane Model: Finite Element Implementation. J. Struct. Eng. 129, 1155–1163. Frangopol, D.M., Curley, J.P., 1987. Effects of Damage and Redundancy on Structural Reliability. J. Struct. Eng. 113, 1533–1549. Fugate, M.L., Sohn, H., Farrar, C.R., 2001. VIBRATION-BASED DAMAGE DETECTION USING STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 15, 707–721. Greco, F., Ammendolea, D., Lonetti, P., Pascuzzo, A., 2021. Crack propagation under thermo-mechanical loadings based on moving mesh strategy. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 114, 103033. Greco, F., Leonetti, L., Lonetti, P., Luciano, R., Pranno, A., 2020a. A multiscale analysis of instability-induced failure mechanisms in fiber reinforced composite structures via alternative modeling approaches. Composite Structures 251, 112529. Greco, F., Leonetti, L., Pranno, A., Rudykh, S., 2020b. Mechanical behavior of bio-inspired nacre-like composites: A hybrid multiscale modeling approach. Composite Structures 233, 111625.

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