PSI - Issue 47

A. Vrouva et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 47 (2023) 521–534 Vrouva et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000

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Table 3. Test results for the L-shaped rods. Specimen no Anchorage Length (cm) F ( tn ) 1 25 2.5 2 25 2.3 3a 40 1.1 3b 40 1.4 4 40 1.9 5 40 2.4 mean 1.9

4.3. Redesign of the L-shaped part and testing The design of the connections was revaluated and anchorage to the orthostate was considered with securing the L shaped rods with cement mortars, thus the part inserted to the marble was threaded. Two types of threading were considered typical and low to avoid unnecessary large drilling of the marbles (see Fig. 18). The specimens after their assembly were left for the cement mortar to cure in order to be tested 28 days later.

Fig. 18. The L-shaped parts right: the two threads considered, left: assembly of the specimens, insertion of the titanium parts in the marble with cement grout. Three of the anchored L shaped rods were tested until their failure. The results of their loading capacity were in the required design level with a minimum capacity of approximately 9 tons (see Fig. 19 and Table 4).

Fig. 19. The L-shaped parts testing until failure right: during testing, left: after failure.

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