Issue 47
P. Foti et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 47 (2019) 104-125; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.47.09
2 / 2 2
Figure 4 : Control volume for: a) blunt V-notch under mode I loading (
); b) blunt V-notch under mixed
2 / 2 2
/ 2
); c) U-notch under mode I loading (
); d) U-notch under mixed mode loading (
mode loading (
/ 2
The high-cycle fatigue failure usually happens in the linear elastic regime and shows a brittle nature. These two conditions allow the use of the SED method, in terms of the cyclic average SED W of the pointed weld notch, dealing with welded joints made of steel or aluminium alloy under different loading conditions [45–48]. According to above, considering a V-notch angle at the weld toe constant and large enough ( 2 102, 6 ) to ensure the non-singularity of mode II, the radius of the control volume 0 R can be estimated by means of the expression [8]:
1 i
e K
1 1
Using the material properties of the butt ground welded joint and the N-SIF-based fatigue strength of welded joints 1 N A K . Considering a simplified model of the weld toe regions as sharp V-notch, the first theoretical scatter band in terms of cyclic averaged SED [45,46] has been obtained analysing more than 300 fatigue strength data of welded joints characterised by weld toe failure, under different loading conditions. The geometry varied in a great range of the main plane thickness, the transverse plate and the bead flank (but large enough to ensure the non-singularity of mode II). The analysis was later applied in [45,46] to a larger bulk of experimental data, whit fatigue failures both from the weld toe and root, providing a final synthesis based on 900 experimental data, shown in Fig. 5 where the number of cycles to failure is given as a function of W . This provides a robust statistical validation for the SED method applied to high-cycle fatigue failure when the welded plate thickness is equal to or greater than 6 mm.
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