Issue 47

Editorial Team6
Sisters Associations9
S. Li, T. Ma, L. Zhang, Q. Sun - Numerical simulation method study of rock fracture based on strain energy density theory13
A. Bensari, E.B. Ould Chikh, B. Bouchouicha, M. Tirenifi - Numerical simulation of a steel weld joint and fracture mechanics study of a Compact Tension Specimen for zones of weld joint29
A. Chouiter, D. Benzerga, A. Haddi , T. Tamine - Prediction of cycle life of expansion bellows for fixed tube sheet heat exchanger42
S. Akbari, S.M. Nabavi, H. Moayeri - Novel weight functions and stress intensity factors for quarter-elliptical cracks in lug attachments51
I. Elmeguenni, M. Mazari - Numerical investigation on Stress Intensity Factor and J Integral in Friction Stir Welded Joint through XFEM method66
H. Leping, C. Yuan, Z. Junsen, H. Qijun, S. Dadong, Z. Haibin, L. Xirui - The thermal damaging process of diorite under microwave irradiation77
Z.-Y. Han, Y.-F. Cheng, X.-L. Li, C.-l. Yan - Experimental study on shale fracturing assisted by low-temperature freezing86
J. P. Manaia, F. A. Pires, A. M. P. de Jesus - Elastoplastic and fracture behaviour of semi-crystalline polymers under multiaxial stress states94
P. Foti, S. Filippi, F. Berto - Fatigue assessment of welded joints by means of the Strain Energy Density method: Numerical predictions and comparison with Eurocode 3116
S. Bressan, F. Ogawa, T. Itoh, F. Berto - Influence of notch sensitivity and crack initiation site on low cycle fatigue life of notched components under multiaxial non-proportional loading138
P. Olmati, K. Gkoumas, F. Bontempi - Simplified FEM modelling for the collapse assessment of a masonry vault153
K. Gkoumas, F. Bontempi - Development of a piezoelectric energy harvesting sensor: from concept to reality162
V. Alecci, M. De Stefano - Building irregularity issues and architectural design in seismic areas173
M. Fallah Tafti, S. A. Hoseini Aqda, H. Motamedi - The impacts of type and proportion of five different asphalt modifiers on the low-temperature fracture toughness and fracture energy of modified HMA181
E. Mele, M. Fraldi, G. M. Montuori, G. Perrella, V. Della Vista - Hexagrid-Voronoi transition in structural patterns for tall buildings198
Y. Mizuno, Y. Kubota - Structural form of bridges reflecting construction processes221
P. Ferro, F. Bonollo, F. Berto, A. Montanari - Numerical modelling of residual stress redistribution induced by TIG-dressing233
R. Fincato, S. Tsutsumi, H. Momii - Ductile damage evolution law for proportional and non-proportional loading conditions243
S. K. Kourkoulis, E. D. Pasiou, C. F. Markides - Analytical and numerical study of the stress field in a circular semi- ring under combined diametral compression and bending259
L. Marsavina, I. O. Pop, E. Linul – Mechanical and fracture properties of particleboard278
M. F. Funari, F. Greco, P. Lonetti - A numerical model based on ALE formulation to predict crack propagation in sandwich structures289
F. Moroni, A. Pirondi, C. Pernechele, A. Gaita, L. Vescovi - Comparison of tensile strength and fracture toughness under mode I and II loading of co-cured and co-bonded CFRP joints306
Yu. G. Matvienko, V.S. Pisarev, S. I. Eleonsky - The effect of low-cycle fatigue on evolution of fracture mechanics parameters in residual stress field caused by cold hole expansion315
E. Grande, M. Imbimbo, S. Marfia, E. Sacco - Numerical simulation of the de-bonding phenomenon of FRCM strengthening systems333
D. Rigon, M. Ricotta, G. Meneghetti - Analysis of dissipated energy and temperature fields at severe notches of AISI 304L stainless steel specimens346
D. Benasciutti, D. Zanellati, A. Cristofori - The “Projection-by-Projection” (PbP) criterion for multiaxial random fatigue loadings: Guidelines to practical implementation360
F. Cucinotta, F. Sfravara, Paolo N., A. Razionale - Composite sandwich impact response: experimental and numerical analysis379
Z. Hu, F. Berto, L. Susmel - The Strain energy density to estimate lifetime of notched components subjected to variable amplitude fatigue loading395
A. Spagnoli, D. A. Cendon Franco, A. D’Angelo - Experimental investigation on the fracture behaviour of natural stone exposed to monotonic and cyclic loading406
A. Spagnoli, A. Carpinteri, M. Terzano - Size effect on the fracture resistance of rough and frictional cracks413
P. Gallo, T. Sumigawa, T. Kitamura - Experimental characterization at nanoscale of single crystal silicon fracture toughness420
T. Kawabata, N. Nakamura, S. Aihara - Brittle crack propagation acceleration in a single crystal of a 3% silicon-Fe alloy428
M. Peron, J. Torgersen, F. Berto - Assessment of tensile and fatigue behavior of PEEK specimens in a physiologically relevant environment437
M. Marchelli, V. De Biagi, D. Peila - A quick-assessment procedure to evaluate the degree of conservation of rockfall drapery meshes449
A. Namdar, Y. Dong, Y. Liu - Timber beam seismic design – A numerical simulation463
K. Hachellaf, H. M. Meddah , E.-B. Ould chikh , A. Lounis - Mechanical behavior analysis of a Friction Stir Welding (FSW) for welded joint applied to polymer materials471
V. Rizov - Influence of material inhomogeneity and non-linear mechanical behavior of the material on delamination in multilayered beams480

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