Issue 46

S. Motsa et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 46 (2018) 124-139; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.46.13

a) b) Figure 17 : a) Temperature ( o C), b) Plastic strain distribution for the protected element, at the end of analysis (fire in the perimeter of the structure)

a) b) Figure 18 : Force – displacement diagrams a) along the “strong” axis Y, b) along the “weak” axis X, for the unprotected and the fire protected structure with two concrete boards and bi-axial loading In Fig. 19b is shown that the web of the structure is severely deformed and damaged in the unprotected model, due to bi axial loading. A less severe image of yielding on the steel (and particularly in the web of the steel) is depicted in Fig. 20b, for the protected model. In Figs. 19a and 20a temperature distributions for the unprotected and the protected models, are also shown.

a) b) Figure 19 : a) Temperature ( o C), b) Plastic strain distribution for the unprotected element, at the end of analysis (bi-axial loading)


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