Issue 43
Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 43 (2018); International Journal of the Italian Group of Fracture
Table of Contents
F. Berto, S.M.J. Razavi, J. Torgersen Frontiers of fracture and fatigue: Some recent applications of the local strain energy density …….............. 1 S.Y. Jiang, S. Tao, W. Fei, X. Y. Li Experimental study on uniaxial tensile and compressive behavior of high toughness cementitious composite 33 F. Zohra Seriari, M. Benachour, M. Benguediab Fatigue crack growth of composite patch repaired Al-alloy plates under variable amplitude loading …….. 43 L. C. H. Ricardo Crack propagation by Finite Element Method ………………………………………………... 57 F. Majid, M. Elghorba Continuum damage modeling through theoretical and experimental pressure limit formulas ……............ 79 P. Zampieri, A. Curtarello, E. Maiorana, C. Pellegrino Fatigue strength of corroded bolted connection ………………………………………………….. 90 A. Ouardi, F. Majid, N. Mouhib, M. Elghorba Residual life prediction of defected Polypropylene Random copolymer pipes (PPR)…………………… 97 M. Davydova, S. Uvarov, O. Naimark The effect of porosity on fragmentation statistics of dynamically loaded ZrO 2 ceramics ………………... 106 M. Fakhri, E. Haghighat Kharrazi, M.R.M. Aliha, F. Berto The effect of loading rate on fracture energy of asphalt mixture at intermediate temperatures and under different loading modes …………………………………………………………………….. 113 B. Saadouki, M. Elghorba, PH. Pelca, T. Sapanathan, M. Rachik Characterization of uniaxial fatigue behavior of precipitate strengthened Cu-Ni-Si alloy (SICLANIC®) ………………………………………………………………………… 133 M.P. Tretyakov, T.V. Tretyakova, V.E. Wildemann Regularities of mechanical behavior of steel 40Cr during the postcritical deformation of specimens in condition of necking effect at tension …………………………………………………...……... 146 D. Gentile Experimental characterization of interlaminar fracture toughness of composite laminates assembled with three different carbon fiber lamina ………………………................................................................ 155
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