Issue 43
M.P. Tretyakov et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 43 (2018) 146-154; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.43.11
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l 0 d 0
initial length of specimen test part initial diameter of specimen test part
changing of diameter of specimen test part at tension
engineering stress ultimate stress
σ B
σ P the stress corresponding to the failure (or beginning of the unloading) at the postcritical deformation stage P B the load corresponding to the ultimate stress (or maximum load) P P the load corresponding to the failure (or beginning of the unloading) at the postcritical deformation stage ε longitudinal strain by DIC system ε yy strain along the coordinate y by DIC system y coordinate corresponding to the longitudinal axis of specimen z coordinate corresponding to the radial axis of specimen k P coefficient of the postcritical deformation stage realization
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