Issue 43

F. Berto, S.M.J. Razavi, J. Torgersen - Frontiers of fracture and fatigue: Some recent applications of the local strain energy density9
S.Y. Jiang, S. Tao, W. Fei, X. Y. Li - Experimental study on uniaxial tensile and compressive behavior of high toughness cementitious composite41
F. Zohra Seriari, M. Benachour, M. Benguediab - Fatigue crack growth of composite patch repaired Al-alloy plates under variable amplitude loading51
L. C. H. Ricardo - Crack propagation by Finite Element Method65
F. Majid, M. Elghorba - Continuum damage modeling through theoretical and experimental pressure limit formulas87
P. Zampieri, A. Curtarello, E. Maiorana, C. Pellegrino - Fatigue strength of corroded bolted connection98
A. Ouardi, F. Majid, N. Mouhib, M. Elghorba - Residual life prediction of defected Polypropylene Random copolymer pipes (PPR)105
M. Davydova, S. Uvarov, O. Naimark - The effect of porosity on fragmentation statistics of dynamically loaded ZrO2 ceramics114
M. Fakhri, E. Haghighat Kharrazi, M.R.M. Aliha, F. Berto - The effect of loading rate on fracture energy of asphalt mixture at intermediate temperatures and under different loading modes121
B. Saadouki, M. Elghorba, PH. Pelca, T. Sapanathan, M. Rachik - Characterization of uniaxial fatigue behavior of precipitate strengthened Cu-Ni-Si alloy (SICLANIC®)141
M.P. Tretyakov, T.V. Tretyakova, V.E. Wildemann - Regularities of mechanical behavior of steel 40Cr during the postcritical deformation of specimens in condition of necking effect at tension154
D. Gentile - Experimental characterization of interlaminar fracture toughness of composite laminates assembled with three different carbon fiber lamina163
P. Corigliano, V. Crupi, E. Guglielmino, C. Maletta, E. Sgambitterra, G. Barbieri, F. Caiazzo - Fatigue assessment of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy laser welded joints in absence of filler material by means of full-field techniques179
P. Zampieri, N. Simoncello, C. Pellegrino - Structural behaviour of masonry arch with no-horizontal springing settlement190
F. Caputo, A. De Luca, A. Greco, S. Maietta, A. Marro, A. Apicella - Investigation on the static and dynamic structural behaviors of a regional aircraft main landing gear by a new numerical methodology199
E. Maiorana, P. Zampieri, C. Pellegrino - Experimental tests on slip factor in friction joints: comparison between European and American Standards213
M. Tocci, A. Pola, L. Montesano, G. M. La Vecchia - Evaluation of cavitation erosion resistance of Al-Si casting alloys: effect of eutectic and intermetallic phases226
N. Montinaro, D. Cerniglia, G. Pitarresi - A numerical and experimental study through laser thermography for defect detection on metal additive manufactured parts239
A. Luciani, C. Todaro, D. Peila - Maintenance and risk management of rockfall protection net fences through numerical study of damage influence249

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