Issue 42

Correia et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 42 (2017) 136-146; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.42.15

( 17 1.199 10 C    ),

* m =4.69 (m=4.69) and

0.3463 S  . For the material from the Fão bridge, the FCG constants are:

( 15 1.237 10 C    ),

* C  

* m =4.03 (

/ da dN

4.03 m  ) and


0.2378 S  . All FCG constants were obtained with

in mm/cycle and K  in -1.5 .





e) Figure 2. Crack propagation data correlated with the Paris law: (a) Eiffel; (b) Luiz I; (c) Fão; (d) Pinhão; (e) Trezói. Figs. 3 to 8 show the experimental FCG data, mean curve and the mean curve 2 S  (5% and 95% of probability of failure). All experimental results and probabilistic fields for the fatigue crack propagation data were compared with the design FCG curve of the Stage B (mean curve 2 S  , with 2.88 m  and 13 6.77 10 C    where / da dN is in / mm cycle and K  in 1.5 . N mm  ) proposed by the BS7910 standard [3]. It should be noted that the design FCG curve proposed in


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