Issue 41

Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 41 (2017); International Journal of the Italian Group of Fracture

P. Lopez-Crespo, J. Vazquez-Peralta, C. Simpson, T. Buslaps, P. J. Withers Mid-thickness studies of the stress intensity factor in the bulk of bainitic steel ……………………….. 203 H. Šimonová, M. Vyhlídal, B. Kucharczyková, P. Bayer, Z. Keršner, L. Malíková, J. Klusák Modelling of interfacial transition zone effect on resistance to crack propagation in fine-grained cement based composites ……………........................................................................................................... 211 Y. Nadot, D. Halm, F. Dal Cero Coelho Gradient approach for the evaluation of the fatigue limit of welded structures under complex loading ......... 220 J. A. O. González, J. T. P. de Castro, G. L. G. Gonzáles, M. A. Meggiolaro, J. L. F. Freire On DIC measurements of  K eff to verify if it is the FCG driving force ………….................................. 227 V. M. Machado, J. T. P. de Castro, M. A. Meggiolaro On short cracks that depart from elastoplastic notch tips …………………………….……............ 236 T. Vojtek, S. Žák, J. Pokluda On the connection between mode II and mode III effective thresholds in metals ………………………. 245 A. A. Ahmed, L. Susmel On the use of length scale parameters to assess the static strength of notched 3D-printed PLA………… 252 F. Berto, M.R. Ayatollahi, S. Vantatori, A. Carpinteri Review of the Influence of non-singular higher order terms on the stress field of thin welded lap joints and small inclined cracks in plates ………………………………………………..……….……... 260 S. Beretta, L. Patriarca, S. Rabbolini Stress Intensity Factor calculation from displacement fields …………………………………….... 269 L. Patriarca, P.G. Luccarelli, S. Foletti Study of strain localizations in a polycrystalline medium in presence of a quasi-static crack …………..... 277 V. Shlyannikov, A. Tumanov The effect of creep damage formulation on crack tip fields, creep stress intensity factor and crack growth assessments …………………………….……............................................................................. 285 A.S. Chernyatin, Yu.G. Matvienko, I.A. Razumovsky The effect of residual stress on the nonsingular T-stresses ………………………………….……... 293 G. Meneghetti, M. Ricotta The heat energy dissipated in a control volume to correlate the crack propagation rate in stainless steel specimens …………………………….………………………………………………....... 299 A. Cernescu The influence of crack tip shielding on fatigue crack propagation …………...……………….……... 307 M. Vormwald, Y. Hos, J. L.F. Freire, G.L.G. Gonzáles, J.G. Díaz Variable mode-mixity during fatigue cycles – crack tip parameters determined from displacement fields measured by digital image correlation ……….…………………….……………………....…... 314


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