Issue 41
Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 41 (2017); International Journal of the Italian Group of Fracture
Table of Contents
M. A. Meggiolaro, J. T. Pinho de Castro, H. Wu A two-step multiaxial racetrack filter algorithm for non-proportional load histories …............................ 1 G. Meneghetti, A. Campagnolo, F. Berto, K. Tanaka Crack initiation life in notched Ti-6Al-4V titanium bars under uniaxial and multiaxial fatigue: synthesis based on the averaged strain energy density approach ……………………………………. 8 M. Sakane, T. Itoh Cracking directions in multiaxial low cycle fatigue at high and room temperatures …………….…… 16 M. Kurek, T. Łagoda Determination of the critical plane orientation depending on the fatigue curves for bending and torsion ..... 24 V. Shlyannikov, R. Yarullin, I. Ishtyryakov Effect of different environmental conditions on surface crack growth in aluminum alloys …….....……… 31 A. Carpinteri, A. Spagnoli, S. Vantadori Effect of spectral cross-correlation on multiaxial fatigue damage: simulations using the critical plane approach ………......…………………………………………………………………...… 40 T. Morishita, F. Ogawa, T. Itoh Evaluation and visualization of multiaxial fatigue behavior under random non-proportional loading condition ............................................................................................................................................ 45 A. S. Cruces, P. Lopez-Crespo, B. Moreno, A. Lopez-Moreno, S. Suman Evaluation of new multiaxial damage parameters on low carbon steel …................................................. 54 J. Toribio, J.C. Matos, B. González Influence of crack micro-roughness on the plasticity-induced fatigue propagation in high strength steel ….... 62 A. Carpinteri, G. Fortese, C. Ronchei, D. Scorza, S. Vantadori, F. Berto Joined application of a multiaxial critical plane criterion and a strain energy density criterion in low-cycle fatigue .……....................................................................................................................................... 66 T. Morishita, Y. Takada, T. Itoh Multiaxial fatigue property of type 316 stainless steel using hollow cylinder specimen under combined pull loading and inner pressure ………………………………………………………………….. 71
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