Issue 39

J. Labudkova et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 39 (2017) 47-55; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.39.06

Inhomogeneous half-space

Homogeneous half-space

Vertical deformations for variant of boundary conditions

Vertical deformations for variant of boundary conditions

Model depth [m]

Model depth [m]







2.0 4.0 6.0

2.244 2.600 2.759

2.210 2.453 2.540

2.207 2.445 2.490

2.0 4.0 6.0

2.991 4.032 4.708

2.931 3.632 4.015

2.926 3.588

3.735 Table 2: Dependency of vertical deformation on the boundary conditions with increasing depth of the subsoil model. It can be seen for the individual types of boundary conditions how the deformations are growing with increasing depth. The largest vertical deformations were calculated under variant A, where the nodes of the peripheral wall of the modelled area may deform freely, which also confirmed the initial assumption. In variant B the horizontal deformations in nodes of the peripheral walls of the subsoil model are prevented, which is also reflected in the vertical deformations, which are smaller compared to variant A. The smallest vertical deformation occurred in variant C, in which the boundary conditions prevented all shifts of nodes of external walls representing the subsoil. The black dot-and-dash line in the chart on Fig. 7 shows the vertical deformations of the subsoil model, whose depth equals the depth of the deformation zone (4.65 m) calculated according to EC 7 [13]. In the second part of the parametric study (see Fig. 8 and Tab. 3) the dependence of deformations on the variable depth of the subsoil model has been monitored, while maintaining the same ground area of subsoil, which was 6.0 x 6.0 m. The depth always increases by 2.0 m. The subsoil models depths were therefore 2.0; 4.0; 6.0 m and 4.65 m, which is the calculated depth of the deformation zone according to EC7 [13].

Figure 8: Dependency of vertical deformations of the concrete slab on the increasing depth of the subsoil model. The ground dimensions of the subsoil model are 6.0 × 6.0 m.

Inhomogeneous half-space

Homogeneous half-space

Vertical deformations for variant of boundary conditions

Vertical deformations for variant of boundary conditions

Model depth [m]

Model depth [m]







2.0 4.0 6.0

2.244 2.600 2.759

2.210 2.453 2.540

2.207 2.445 2.490

2.0 4.0 6.0

2.991 4.032 4.708

2.931 3.632 4.015

2.926 3.588

3.735 Table 3: Dependency of vertical deformation on the increasing depth of the subsoil model according to boundary conditions.


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