Issue 39

J. Eliáš - On adaptive refinements in discrete probabilistic fracture models9
F. Hokes, J. Kala - Selecting the objective function during the inverse identification of the parameters of a material model of concrete15
J. Klon, V. Veselý - Modelling of size and shape of damage zone in quasi-brittle notched specimens – analytical approach based on fracture-mechanical evaluation of loading curves25
P. Konecny, P. Lehner - Effect of cracking and randomness of inputs on corrosion initiation of reinforced concrete bridge decks exposed to chlorides37
P. Král, P. Hradil, J. Kala - Inverse identification of the material parameters of a nonlinear concrete constitutive model based on the triaxial compression strength testing46
J. Labudkova, R. Cajka -Numerical analyses of interaction of steel-fibre reinforced concrete slab model with subsoil55
A. Lokaj, K. Klajmonová - Comparison of behaviour of laterally loaded round and squared timber bolted joints64
J. Flodr, O. Sucharda, D. Mikolasek, P. Parenica - Experiment and numerical modeling suspended ceiling with identification of working diagram material70
J. Navrátil, M. Číhal, J. Kabeláč, R. Štefan - Nonlinear analysis of reinforced and composite columns in fire80
V. Salajka, J. Klouda, P. Hradil - Numerical simulations of tests masonry walls from ceramic block using a detailed finite element model96
S. Seitl, R. Diego Liedo - Numerical study and pilot evaluation of experimental data measured on specimen loaded by bending and wedge splitting forces108
S. Seitl, T. Thienpont, W. De Corte - Fatigue crack behaviour: comparing three-point bend test and wedge splitting test data on vibrated concrete using Paris' law118
S. Seitl, V. Viszlay - Modified compact tension specimen for experiments on cement based materials: comparison of calibration curves from 2D and 3D numerical solutions126
J. Sobek, P. Frantík, V. Veselý - Analysis of accuracy of Williams series approximation of stress field in cracked body – influence of area of interest around crack-tip on multi-parameter regression performance137
M. Krejsa, L. Koubova, J. Flodr, J. Protivinsky, Q. T. Nguyen - Probabilistic prediction of fatigue damage based on linear fracture mechanics151
M. Muñiz Calvente, S. Blasón, A. Fernández Canteli, A. de Jesús, J. Correia - A probabilistic approach for multiaxial fatigue criteria168
M. Shariati, M. Mahdizadeh Rokhi, H. Rayegan - Investigation of stress intensity factor for internal cracks in FG cylinders under static and dynamic loading174
H. Xiao, L. Qing, C. Hongkai, T. Hongmei, W. Linfeng - Experimental analysis on physical and mechanical properties of thermal shock damage of granite189
M. A. Lepore, M. Perrella - From test data to FE code: a straightforward strategy for modelling the structural bonding interface199
A. Risitano, D. Corallo, E. Guglielmino, G. Risitano, L. Scappaticci - Fatigue assessment by energy approach during tensile tests on AISI 304 steel210
S. K. Kudari, K. G. Kodancha - 3D Stress intensity factor and T-stresses (T11 and T33) formulations for a Compact Tension specimen224
M. Romano, I. Ehrlich, N. Gebbeken - Parametric characterization of a mesomechanic kinematic caused by ondulation in fabric reinforced composites: analytical and numerical investigations234
M. A. Tashkinov - Modelling of fracture processes in laminate composite plates with embedded delamination256
O. Daghfas, A. Znaidi, A. Ben Mohamed, R. Nasri - Experimental and numerical study on mechanical properties of aluminum alloy under uniaxial tensile test271
S. Doddamani, M. Kaleemulla - Experimental investigation on fracture toughness of Al6061–graphite by using Circumferential Notched Tensile Specimens282
S. Harzallah, M. Chabaat, K. Chabane - Numerical study of eddy current by Finite Element Method for cracks detection in structures290

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