Issue 38
X. Yu et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 38 (2016) 148-154; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.38.20
It is noted that under most loading cases, a second crack also emanated from the far edge of the circular hole. However, the second crack only emerged after more than 4000 cycles of the applied mixed mode load. Therefore, their effect on crack path deviation was ignorable in this study.
his study clarifies that for AA7075-T651, the FCG under non-proportional mixed mode I and II loads is significantly different from the open mode FCG commonly expected under mode I or proportional mixed mode loads. Similarly to previous results for mild steel, a long and stable shear mode FCG can be produced in AA7075 T651 under non-proportional loads. The commonly accepted MTS criterion does not apply under most non-proportional load cases. Further investigations are needed to gain sufficient understanding, including those under in-service multiaxial loading spectra, to better support durability assessment of primary aircraft structures subjected to severe non-proportional multiaxial loads.
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