Issue 33

Fracture and Structural Integrity, 33 (2015); ISSN 1971-9883

F. Iacoviello, V. Di Cocco, M. Cavallini Fatigue crack tip damaging micromechanisms in a ferritic-pearlitic ductile cast iron ………………. 111 V. Veselý, J. Sobek, D. Tesa ř , P. Frantík, T. Pail, S. Seitl Multi-parameter approximation of stress field in a cracked specimen using purpose-built Java applications …………………………………………………………………………….. 120 C. Simpson, P.J. Withers, T. Lowe, S. Roy, A. Wanner Damage evolution in freeze cast metal/ceramic composites exhibiting lamellar microstructures …….... 134 M. Mokhtari, P. Lopez-Crespo, B. Moreno Some experimental observations of crack-tip mechanics with displacement data …………………... 143 P. J. Withers, P. Lopez-Crespo, M. Mostafavi, A. Steuwer, J. F. Kelleher, T. Buslaps 2D mapping of plane stress crack-tip fields following an overload ………………………………. 151 C. Montebello, S. Pommier, K. Demmou, J. Leroux, J. Mériaux Multi-scale approach for the analysis of the stress fields at a contact edge in fretting fatigue conditions with a crack analogue approach …………………………………………………………… 159 G. Laboviciute, C. J. Christopher, M. N. James, E. A. Patterson Growth of inclined fatigue cracks using the biaxial CJP model ……………………………….... 167 S. Beretta, S. Rabbolini, A. Di Bello Multi-scale crack closure measurements with digital image correlation on Haynes 230 ……………. 174 Enrico Maggiolini, Roberto Tovo, Paolo Livieri Effective stress assessment at rectangular rounded lateral notches ……………………………….. 183 J.M. Vasco-Olmo, F.A. Díaz Experimental evaluation of plasticity-induced crack shielding from crack tip displacements fields …… 191 F.V. Antunes, R. Branco, L. Correia, AL Ramalho A numerical study of non-linear crack tip parameters ……………………………………….... 199 X. Zhou, A. Hohenwarter, T. Leitner, H.P. Gänser, R. Pippan Load history effects on fatigue crack propagation: Its effect on the R-curve for threshold …………… 209 P. Lorenzino, J.-Y. Buffiere, S. Okazaki, H. Matsunaga, Y. Murakami, H. Matsunaga Synchrotron 3D characterization of arrested fatigue cracks initiated from small tilted notches in steel ... 215 J. Toribio, B. González, J.C. Matos Crack tip fields and mixed mode fracture behaviour of progressively drawn pearlitic steel …………... 221 A. Bolchoun, H. Kaufmann, C. M. Sonsino Numerical measures of the degree of non-proportionality of multiaxial fatigue loadings ……………. 238 M. Vormwald Multi-challenge aspects in fatigue due to the combined occurrence of multiaxiality, variable amplitude loading, and size effects ………………………………………………………………….... 253 A. Winkler, G. Kloosterman A critical review of fracture mechanics as a tool for multiaxial fatigue life prediction of plastics ……... 262


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