Issue 30

G. Bolzon et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 30 (2014) 31-39; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.30.05

Minimum yield limit

Maximum yield limit

Minimum tensile strength 531 MPa (77 psi) 517 MPa (75 psi)

Maximum tensile strength


448 MPa (65 psi) 600 MPa (87 psi) 379 MPa (55 psi) 552 MPa (80 psi)

758 MPa (110 psi)



Table 2 : Standard yield limit and tensile strength [3, 16].

Na Cl 27.331

KCl 0.235

CaCl 2

.2H 2

O MgCl 2

.6H 2


Na Br 0.126

Na.2H 2






Table 3 : Salt concentration (g/l) in the corrosive autoclave environment. Deformation and damaging phenomena induced by the mechanical action were inferred by scan electron microscopy (SEM) observation of the specimen surfaces and of some cross sections, in either secondary electron (SE) or back scattered electron (BSE) mode. The residual imprints left on the material by the indentation test were evidenced by a careful cutting and polishing of the material samples. During this preparation, specimens were protected with an aluminum foil in order to preserve the surface layers. Thickness measurements were also performed on the micrographs. BSE images of the cross sections of scales grown on X65 steel are shown in Fig. 2. A much thicker double corrosion layer can be observed in correspondence of the side marked B (right), which was exposed to the fluid, in comparison with the opposite side A, in contact with a polyethylene sheet on the autoclave bottom during the process. Corrosion is evidenced by the presence of cementite (Fe 3 C) in the modified internal part of the substrate, with a clear separation line from the external carbonate crystals (see Fig. 2, right micrograph). The BE micrographs of Fig. 3 visualize the corrosion layers produced in sample J55 in correspondence of sides named A (left, exposed to the fluid) and B (right, in contact with the autoclave bottom).

Figure 2 : SEM micrographs (BSE) of the cross section of X65 corroded sample, side A in contact with the autoclave bottom (left) and side B exposed to the fluid (right) at the same magnification (Marker: 20 µm). The substrate is in the upper part of both micrographs.

Figure 3: SEM micrographs of the cross section of J55 corroded sample, side A exposed to the fluid (left, BSE) and side B in contact with the autoclave bottom (right, SE) at the same magnification (Marker: 20 µm). The substrate is in the upper part of the micrograph (left) and in the lower part of it (right), respectively.


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