Issue 30

G. Meneghetti et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 30 (2014) 191-200; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.30.25

signals generated by the thermocouples were acquired by means of a data logger Agilent Technologies HP 34970A operating at a maximum sample frequency, f acq , of 22 Hz (accuracy equal to 0.02 °C).



ig. 4 shows the fatigue test results and reports the mean curves in terms of the engineering stress amplitude  a , the 10%-90% survival probability scatter bands, the inverse slope k, the reference fatigue strength  A,50% evaluated at N A = 2 million cycles with a survival probability equal to 50%, and the stress- as well as the life-based scatter index T  and T N , respectively. The experimental data were statistically re-analyzed under the hypothesis of log-normal distribution of the number of cycles to failure with a 95% confidence level. It can be seen that the fatigue behaviour of the analysed material is significantly affected by the load ratio: in fact  A,50% evaluated under push-pull fatigue test (R=-1) is reduced of a factor equal to 1.27 and 1.86, in the case of R=0.1 and R=0.5, respectively. It is worth noting that in all fatigue tests carried out by imposing a load ratio equal to R=0.5 and in many tests conduced at R=0.1, the maximum stress was higher than the material proof stress. Therefore, the cyclic material stabilisation was monitored by considering the axial displacement measured by the displacement transducer of the test machine. After stabilisation, the reduction of the specimen diameter ranged from 4.5% to 19.5% with respect to the initial diameter, depending on the applied stress amplitude.



 a [MPa]


R=-1; k=18.7;  A,50% R=0.1; k=22.6;  A,50% R=0.5; k=22.7;  A,50%

=288 MPa; T  =227 MPa; T 

=1.13; T N


=1.11; T N



=155 MPa


10 3

10 4

10 5

10 6

10 7

N f , number of cycles to failure

Figure 4 : Fatigue data analysed in terms of engineering stress amplitude for different load ratios. Scatter bands are defined for 10% and 90% survival probabilities.



n order to evaluate the evolution of Q parameter, each fatigue test was interrupted several times. Fig. 5 shows some characteristic examples of Q values plotted against the number of cycles normalised with respect to the number of cycles to failure or, in the case of run-out specimens, with respect to 2 millions. One can observe that the Q values span in a range between 0.01 and 5 MJ/(m 3 ·cycle) by considering the different load ratio analysed in this paper, in spite of a variation of  a from 155 to 400 MPa. According to [8], the fatigue test results were re-analysed in terms of the characteristic value of Q measured at 50% of the number of cycles to failure or, in the case of run-out specimens, at 1 million cycles. Fig. 6 shows the results of the statistical analysis in the hypothesis of log-normal distribution of the number of cycles to failure N f and constant scatter with respect to the energy dissipation level. The mean and the 10% - 90% survival probability curves fitting the experimental results with a confidence level of 95% have the following expression: cos k f Q N t   (6) The figure reports the inverse slope k of the curves, the mean energy value Q A,50% at the reference fatigue life N A of two million cycles and the energy- as well as the life-based scatter index T Q and T N,Q , respectively. Fig. 6 shows that the data


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