Issue 3
M. Zakeri et e curved sha ickness. Th D finite elem in a circula crack tip a technique o
al., Frattura pe of the c is latter effe ent model. r arc form; re generated n quadratic
ed Integrità S
trutturale, 3 k length fo ation is obta hromatic fri
(2008) 2 - 10 r central c ined. Solvin nges in pres
whic front also i crack singu apply node 2 M IS Base of an press
h could be r through the nvestigated front is ass lar element ing the qua elements. ATHEMA OCHROM d on the cla isochroma ed as [11]:
elated to th specimen th by using a 3 umed to be s around the rter point
rack ct is The and by 20
racks, a qu g this equa ence of T-str
adratic alge tion, the loc ess is determ
braic us of ined
crac equ isoc as:
2 b b + ± S
34)(1 ( ) sin 2 θ
− −
r ′
) 1(2
2 3 cos θ
2 sin θ
⎜ ⎝ ⎛= sin b
⎟ ⎠ ⎞
+ 2
TICAL RE ATIC FRIN ssical conce tic fringe a
LATIONS GES pts of photo round the c
s equation p tinuous alon le, in the ca ic fringes is ed loops, sy , similar to , 14]. A typi
redicts asym g the crack se of zero T obtained as mmetric ab the earlier a cal scheme o
metric fring edges (see -stress, the Eq.(7) that out direction nalytical re f these loop
es which ar Fig. 2-a). M locus of iso suggests a s θ = 0° an sults present s is shown in
e not ean chro set of d θ = ed in Fig.
Thi con whi mat clos 90° [11 2.b.
elasticity, lo rack tip is
cus ex
Nf = h
e τ m is max ringe order is the thic stress τ m is with this eq
imum in-pla and materia kness of spe related to uation [11]:
ne shear str l fringe valu cimen. Also the Cartesia
ess. N and f e, respectiv , the maxim n stress com
are ely, um po
wher the f and h shear nents
II hK 1
2π Nf ⎡ ⎢ ⎣
⎤ ⎥ ⎦
( ) 2 4 - 3sin θ
r =
2 xx ) = (σ - σ
2 ) + 4σ
Subs math aroun prese param S = ⎛
tituting stres ematical eq d a mode I nted in ref. eters: 2 Nf hT ⎞ ⎟ ⎠ , B =
s terms from uation for I crack tip [13] and d
Eqs. (2,3) a fringe l is written in efining thre
in Eq. (4), oop develop a simple f e dimension
the ing orm less
II T πa K
, r ′
= r/2a
⎜ ⎝
Figu tip:
re 2. Typical a) T≠0, b) T=
isochromatic 0.
fringes arou
nd a mode II
In wh
ich a is the
crack lengt
h for edge c
racks and se
Figure 3
. Created sem
i-natural cra
cks: a) front v
iew, b) throu
gh the sheet th
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