Issue 29

Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 29(2014); ISSN 1971-9883

Some news about our Journal …


ear Friend, this is the 29 th issue of the IGF Journal … and we have other news for you!!

First of all, some details about this issue. As you can see, 37 papers! 32 papers are dedicated to the Computational Mechanics and Mechanics of Materials activities in Italy. Sonia Marfia and Elio Sacco (Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale) are the guest editors and we are grateful for all their efforts that allowed to obtain and important state of art of the research activities in Italy on the Computational Mechanics and Mechanics of Materials. Secondly, we started a cooperation with CrossRef, an association of scholarly publishers that develops shared infrastructure to support more effective scholarly communications. CrossRef citation-linking network today covers over 67 million journal articles and other content items (books chapters, data, theses, technical reports) from thousands of scholarly and professional publishers around the globe. Last, but not least, the new address (and the new server) for our journal: Starting from July 4 th the "Fracture and Structural Integrity" journal is hosted on a cloud server. Cloud servers mean virtual servers which run on cloud computing environment. The key benefits of using cloud servers are: - Flexibility and scalability; extra resource can be accessed as and when required; - Cost-effectiveness; whilst being available when needed, clients only pay for what they are using at a particular time; - Reliability; due to the number of available servers, if there are problems with some, the resource will be shifted so that clients are unaffected. Thanks to the new server it will be possible to activate in the future new and (we hope!) useful services. At you can find both the IGF journal Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale and the other two journals we publish on line in our OJS server with the permission of AIM ( La Metallurgia Italiana ) and of Teksid ( Metallurgical Science and Technology ), respectively. We hope you will appreciate the possibility to read all these journals using the same portal.

Francesco Iacoviello Direttore F&IS


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