Issue 29
M.L. De Bellis et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 29 (2014) 37-48; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.29.05
Procedure B: 3 Step homogenization This procedure has been proposed by the authors in [11] as an extension to the 2D micropolar computational homogenization of the homogenization of second gradient continua via the asymptotic approach [12, 15]. Here, the basic idea is recalled and the main steps are addressed. It is assumed that the total perturbation displacement vector u X, x can be expressed as the sum of three fields evaluated in sequence. Initially, only the first order terms of the kinematic map, multiplying the components 1 E , 2 E and 12 in (8), are activated; subsequently, the effects of the quadratic terms related to 1 K and 2 K are considered and, finally, the third order term associated with is taken into account. Therefore, the vector results as: 1 2 3 , , , , . u X x r X x r X x r X x (13) When only the linear terms of the kinematic map are considered, the case of the first order homogenization is recovered. Here, it is assumed that 1 r X, x is evaluated as the product of unknown functions times the independent components of the first gradient of the kinematic map, as: 1 1 1 = r X, x Λ x γ X, x (14) where 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 12 1 2 3 = , = T γ X, x Λ x x x x (15) 1 i x , =1, 2, 3, i being evaluated by applying the components 1 E , 2 E and 12 on the UC undergoing PBCs. In this case 1
r X, x results as periodic functions. When the presence of the curvatures 1
2 K is also considered, with = 0 , the perturbation field can be expressed as:
K and
, u X x Λ x γ X x r X x , = 1 2 1 ,
2 r X, x is the only unknown field. Following the same procedure as for the first term 1
r X, x , it is assumed
where now
2 γ X, x , i.e. the nonvanishing components of the
that 2 r X, x is expressed as the product of unknown functions and
1 γ X, x . Then, the unknown field
2 r X, x is represented in the form:
first gradient of
, = , r X x Λ x γ X x 2 2 2
x x x 2 2 2 2 3 1
2 4
γ X, x
Λ x
1,1 1,2
2,1 2,2
2 i x , = 1,.., 4, i being periodic functions evaluated in the UC when 1 0 K and 2 0 K . Finally, when the component is also taken into account, it results that: 1 2 3 1 2 , = , , , . u X x Λ x γ X x Λ x γ X x r X x
The field 3 r X, x is written as the product of unknown functions times the relevant and nonvanishing components of the first gradient of 2 γ X, x , and it results: 3 3 3 = r X, x Λ x γ X, x (20) with
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