Issue 28

Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 28 (2014); ISSN 1971-9883

Somenews about our Journal…

Dear Friend, this is the 28 th issue of the IGF Journal. Born in 2007, after only seven years and thanks to the contribution and to the support of many friends, the Journal has obtained some incredible results. The Journal is now very well indexed (Scopus, EI Compendex, DOAJ, Index Copernicus, EBSCO host, ProQuest, Google Scholar…) and is available in somany on line library that it is quite impossible to give a short list of them, also considering only the most prestigious ones. Considering the first obtained evaluations, we can remember the evolution of the IndexCopernicus evaluation: After 28 issues, the journal is still characterizedbe the same peculiaritieswe defined from the first issue: - a fast but careful reviewing process: up to now, all the submitted papers has been always published (or rejected) within threemonths from the first submission; - an “obsession” for the open access approach: our Journal is completely free of charge both for readers and for writers. - indexing as a service: it is not sufficient that the papers are published on line… the Journal must assist the spreadof the publishedpapers improving the Journal indexation. Considering these developing lines, in the last months we had a little “revolution” in Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale. First of all, new components joined the Advisory Editorial Board : Ashok Saxena and Shouwen Yu. All the components of this Board are part of the elite of the Fracture and Structural Integrity world, and we are really proudof it!! Concerning the Journal Review Board , now this has been changed in an Editorial Board : this is not only a mere name modification, but also the components’ responsibilities have been changed. Furthermore, also the composition of this Board has been renewed: thanking the Colleagues that worked for the old JRB , we wish to thank all the friends of the new EB for all the efforts theywill produce to improve to journal quality. - 2011: 5.09 - 2012: 6.96 - 2013 (new!!): 7.67

Francesco Iacoviello Direttore F&IS


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