Issue 24

A. A. Shanyavskiy, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 24 (2013) 13-25; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.24.03

K max (K max

maximum Mode I stress intensity factor

) h threshold value of stress-intensity factor to start of hold-time influencing fatigue cracking K e equivalent Mode I stress intensity factor (K e ) max maximum value of K e for steady crack growth  K eff effective stress intensity factor in Mode I crack opening N f lifetime to failure (durability) N p fatigue crack growth period  q i range of stress in bifurcation i-area R stress ratio  fatigue striation spacing  biaxial stress ratio (  1 /  2 )   2 0.2% offset yield strength  1 tensile stress opening fatigue crack  2 tensile or compressive stress acting in a direction perpendicular to the  1 -direction  wi mean stress for bifurcation i-area  u Ultimate tensile stress


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