Issue 15

P. F

. Fuchs et alii, F

rattura ed Integ

rità Strutturale,

15 (2011) 64-7

3; DOI: 10.3221


Materials and face were ad s detected. Fa g for 1 mic 6STD, Analy era (Fastcam four screws a the high-spe

specimens cha justed to ach ilure was def rosecond or sis Tech, Wa SA1.1, Photr t its corners ed camera.

alte we a p Dr res dis For set tab

rnative boar re used. The ulse duration ops were rep istance great continuities a the BLDT a -up is shown le on the stri

d geometry, drop height a of 1 ms. eated until fir er than 1000 special even nalysis a hig . The board i ke surface wa

described in nd strike sur st failure wa ohms lastin t detector (25 h-speed cam s fixed with s filmed with

pter, and a d ieve a specifi ined as an el longer. To kefield, US) on Inc., San on the drop

ifferent boa ed G level of ectrical disco measure the was used. Diego, US) w table. The te

rd fixation (l 1500 g peak ntinuity in th very short as used. In st, i.e. the im

onger stando acceleration e daisy chain lasting elect Fig. 3 the BL pact of the d

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12 mm


8 mm



Figure 2 :

A schematic p

resentation of

the used PCB

geometry. Th

e darker squar

es represent th

e mounted co


e test set-up o nsecutive hi ich can be r s and Physi he initial osci the PCB sur the first defl cluded that t it seemed re

f the JESD22 gh-speed cam ecorded by cs, Universit llation freque face centre t ection were 2 he main defo asonable to

B111 board le era images s a camera. U y of Essen, ncy was dete o measure th x 10 -3 . rmation mec expect corr

vel drop test. how the imp sing image a DE), an osc rmined as 28 e maximum hanism and elating resul

Figure 3 : Th top, three co cillation, wh for Didactic (Fig. 4b). T ere placed at rain values at ould be con owing this, is applied.

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Fig. 4a), start in a dampe omas Kerstin lection could thermore, st e observed lo m the analys bending-os usoidal cyclic

ing from the d bending-os g, Institute be generated rain gauges w ngitudinal st is results it c cillation. Kn bending load

act of the PC nalysis softw illogram of 0 Hz. occurring lon consequently ts from a B

B. The boar are (Viana 3 the PCB ce gitudinal stra failure drive LCBT, wher

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