Issue 15


Zuliani, Frattur

a ed Integrità St

rutturale, 15 (20

11) 29-34; DO

I: 10.3221/IGF-E


In tem PB of ref sys exp the cell HT stac

literature the perature me I and phosph carbon mono ormates cont tem [8]. Sev erimental an single fuel c , a non unif PEM fuel c k based on P he stack experim Cell Cel e Fig. 1). The has a phosp cathode and phite plates, tern and the nnels. The c e Fig. 2). Be que of 7 Nm ACK D ESIGN

major resear mbrane or th oric acid bas xide. They fo aining up to eral literature alysis of the ell system. T orm tempera ell stack, thi BI and phos design relie ental activity tec P-1000 M MEAs have horic acid co 1 mg/cm 2 that can with air cooling ells are stack lleville spring .

ch effort on e single fuel ed single cell und that, fo 2% of CO. papers refe HT PEM fu his could be ture distribu s work prese phoric acid m s on some f [8]. The stac EA, two bip an active are ntent of mor on the anod stand a max channels. Th ed and assem washers we

this kind of f cell system [ operated wi r temperature Similar resul r to membra el cell stack [ related to se tion, an incre nt the main embranes, f eatures that w k, has 25 ce olar plates an a of 50 cm 2 e than 95 wt e [15]. The p imum opera e reactant flo bled betwee re used at o

uel cells relat 3-7]. For exa th pure hydro s above 160 ts were obta ne degradat 13, 14]. Stack veral factors ased electric design featur ocusing on v ere already lls fed in par d the gasket and an averag % in a PBI m lates were d ting temperat w field has n two steel s ne side of th

e to the stud mple Korsga gen and five °C, the cell c ined by the a ion issues [9 s usually sho as: a non un al resistivity. es and the p oltage and te tested with allel. Each c s which seal e thickness o atrix. The pl esigned and ure of 180 ° a multiple se quare end pl e tie rod an

y, developme ard et al. [7] types of ref ould operate uthors of th -12], but on w lower per iform distrib With the aim erformance c mperature di good results ell contains a the active ar f 860 µm. T atinum cataly built by the C [16]. Each rpentine pat ates, fixed w d the stack w

nt and mode studied the p ormates, con with good p is paper for ly some stud formance wh ution of reac of experim urves of a 2 stribution. during a pre commercial ea and the re he membran st loading is authors, usin plate contai tern with fiv ith eight all t as tightened

lling of the h erformance taining up to erformance w a single fuel ies relate to en compare tants inside e ental analyze 5 cells HT P vious single PBI BASF F actant manif e is about 60 0.75 mg/cm g Sigracet B ns the flow f e square sec hreaded tie r to a maxim

igh of a 5% ith cell the d to ach an EM cell uel olds µm 2 on PP4 ield tion ods um



(se and the gra pat cha (se tor

Figure 1 : E

xploded view

of the single H

T PEM cell.


re 2 : Picture o Mechanical D

f the 25 cells epartment of

HT PEM stac the University

k designed at t of Trieste.





he stack transmit thermoc

experimenta ters are used ouples fitted two mass fl n circuit. Lo stant current used to cont ta.

tion was carr to measure on the lowe ow controlle ad is contro mode. A me rol the stack

ied out on a the reactants r and on th rs: a Sierra S lled by a Th asurement an main opera

test bench, s inlet pressur e upper part martTrack M urlby Thand d control sy ting paramet

chematically es. The stac of the stack 100 for the a ar Instrume stem, based o ers (reactant

presented in k temperatur . Reactants fl ir circuit and nts TTi LD n the Nation s flows, tem

Fig. 3. Two e is measured ow rates we a Bronkhor 300 electron al Instrumen perature) an

Baumer pres using 6 K re measured st El-Flow F ic load mod ts CompactR d to acquire

sure type and 201 ule,

con for ope har exp

trolled using the hydroge rated in con dware, was erimental da

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