Issue 15
D. Kytyr e
t alii, Frattura e
d Integrità Strut
turale, 15 (201
1) 5-13; DOI: 10
igure 5 : 10-no
de tetrahedral
elements mes
Material Stainless s UHMWP Bone cem Trabecula
g’s modulus 220 0.69 2 0.850 roperties used
Poisson’s 0.30 0.46 0.38 0.25
teel E (ISO 5834 ent r bone Tabl
e 1 : Material p
in the FE mo
Figure 6 : e stress field ximum stress rface are sh d steps consi crotomography observe the ging using a specimen a tware plug-in
Loading forc distribution value equal own in Fig. 8 dered. imaging process of d custom µCT nd the detec .
e used in the s in the bone to 12.48 MP . The places
imulation. -cement inte a was reache of maximal
F rface were o d at 20 % of value of von
igure 7 : Resul bserved to lo the gait cycle Mises stres
ting stress in t cate the reg . The stress s were in the
he bone-ceme ions of pote fields on the acetabular l
nt interface. ntial damage bone-cemen abrum for al
Th Ma inte loa Mi To ima the sof
. t l
amage in the device show tor were pr
acetabular re n in Fig. 9 ovided by st
gion during was perform epper motor
the loading m ed. Manipula s using a U
icrofocus C tion with the SB interface
omputed To X-ray sourc , controlled
mography (µ e, the table w by Pixelman
CT) ith [8]
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