Phase-field crack propagation in viscoelastic elastomers

J. Ciambella 1 , G. Lancioni 2 , ∗ , N. Stortini 3

1 Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy 2 Department of Civil and Building Engineering and Architecture, Polytechnic University of Marche,Ancona, Italy 3 Department of Mechanics and Aeronautics, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy

∗ g.lancioni@univpm.it

Keywords: phase-field fracture, visco-elaticity, elastomers.

Recent studies on fracture dynamics in elastomer membranes has shown that velocity of crack propagation is proportional to the pre-stretching imposed to the membrane [1], and that crack evolution is related the viscoelastic properties of the material [2]. In this communication, we present a mechanical model for the description of crack evolution in elastomers able to capture the main features of the fracture dynamics observed in experiments [1,2]. We formulate a theory for finite visco-elasticity that includes smeared phase-field fracture. Two viscous contributions are introduced in the model. In a fracture evolution process, they account for the rate-dependency of the strains and for the motion of the crack tip. As a results, two different characteristic times affect the advance of the crack and the strain relaxation of the material surrounding the crack tip. The rule played by these two characteristic times on the crack evolution is studied by performing analytical estimates and numerical simulations. References [1] T. Corre, M. Coret, E. Verron, B. Leblé, F. Le Lay (2020). Experimental full field analysis for dynamic fracture of elastomer membranes. Int. J. Fract., 224(1), 83-100 [2] V. Kamasamudram M. Coret, N. Moës (2021). The role played by viscoelasticity in the bulk material during the propagation of a dynamic crack in elastomers. Int J. Fract. (2021) 231:43–58


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