Cohesive zone evaluation of different design solutions for adhesive joints in canoeing boats
J. C.M. Santos 1 , ∗ , R. D.S.G. Campilho 1 , 2 , R. D.F. Moreira 1 , K. Madani 3
1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, ISEP - School of Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, R. Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 431, 4200-072 Porto, Portugal. 2 Institute of Science and Innovation in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (branch Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto), Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 400, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal. 3 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sidi Bel Abbes, BP 89 Cité Ben M’hidi„ Sidi Bel Abbes 22000, Algeria
∗ 1170650@isep.ipp.pt
Keywords: Canoeing, Adhesive joints, Structural adhesive, Composites, Numerical modeling, Finite element method, Cohesive zone model.
Canoeing is a nautical sport that appeared in history thousands of years ago simply as a means of survival. Nowadays, this sport is practiced all over the world as a hobby or as a means of competition. Given the desire to improve the quality of construction and performance of boats, currently their manufacture is focused on the use of composite materials. Although there are countless ways to join the different components that exist, the one that stands out the most is adhesive bonding. On the other hand, for a manufacturing company of these boats to remain competitive in the market, it is required the continuous improvement of these joints in terms of strength and manufacturing cost. In this work, an adhesive joint existing in a canoeing boat is numerically studied, more specifically the joint between the hull and the deck of a kayak. To evaluate the performance of this adhesive joint, it is necessary to know the types of materials implicit in this type of joint, as well as the main geometric parameters. Initially, the adhesive used was tensile tested with bulk adhesive specimens and the respective data was processed to obtain the material parameters required for the analysis. To achieve the goal of this work, a numerical analysis is performed, in which the existing joint configuration was tested, different geometric changes were analyzed and different types of adhesives that can bring improved properties to this adhesive bond were considered. The numerical work consisted of an elastic stress analysis of the adhesive layer and prediction of stiffness and strength, by cohesive zone modelling (CZM), using the ABAQUS software. To use the CZM to study the different joint configurations, a prior validation of the technique was performed with experimental data obtained in a previous work. Initially, this numerical study enabled to successfully validate the CZM and, then, to numerically evaluate the influence of geometric changes according to different adhesive types, allowing the verification of which geometry best adapts to each adhesive type that was considered.
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