Ductile crack path prediction through phase field and uncoupled dam age models
C. Erdogan ∗ , I. Yucel, O. Bulut, T. Yalçinkaya
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara 06800, Türkiye
∗ cane@metu.edu.tr
Keywords: ductile failure, phase field fracture, finite element method, non-local modeling.
Simulation of ductile fracture is commonly performed with uncoupled ductile damage modeling techniques using finite element. In this approach, damage is defined by a failure criterion, and the failure itself is simulated by deleting elements. The local nature of the failure modeling process results in significant mesh dependency in both crack initiation and propagation phases as demon strated in [1]. Non-local or gradient methods have been proposed as a solution to such issues in failure simulations through the introduction of a length scale. Phase-field fracture method, where cracks are defined as non-local diffuse entities, is used in this work to address mesh depen dency problems in the ductile failure simulations of Inconel 718. The Johnson-Cook and modified Mohr-Coulomb damage criteria calibrated in [2] for Inconel 718 are utilized in both uncoupled approach and phase field fracture model. Coupling of these damage criteria with the phase field framework has already been demonstrated in [3]. Finite elements simulations are performed with varying element sizes and orientations in the crack propagation region, and the results are com pared with the experimental observations. Uncoupled ductile failure simulations are performed with Abaqus/Explicit solver while the phase field fracture simulations utilize Abaqus/Standard, and the models are implemented through user subroutines for both methods. References [1] Tuhami, A. E. O., Feld-Payet, S., Quilici, S., Osipov, N., & Besson, J. (2022). A two characteristic length nonlocal GTN model: Application to cup–cone and slant fracture. Mechanics of Materials, 171, 104350. [2] Erdogan, C., Vural, H., Karakaş, A., Fenercioğlu, T. O., & Yalçinkaya, T. (2023). Ductile failure of Inconel 718 during flow forming process and its numerical investigation. Engineering Failure Analysis, 152, 107424. [3] Waseem, S., Erdogan, C, and Yalçinkaya, T. (2023). Phase field modeling of ductile fracture and application in metal forming. Materials Research Proceedings, 28, 1593-1602.
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