Fatigue Crack Paths 2003
M o d eI
M o d eII
M o d eIII
M o d eI+II+III
Figure 4. Different types of crack growth under MixedModeloading.
The basis for all concepts are the near-field-solution for the stress distribution at the
crack front:
or I ‘kl/<2’? {5 cos[%] — cos[3?(p]} — 4 % {Sin[5%] — 3 Sinfgj}
o,p I —4\I/<2I_m{3 cos[%] + cos[3?(p]} — 4 % {sin[3%] + 3 sin[%)}
14%) +set +e100 -we)
K111 ~ [(1)] In I — s 1— n
K111 C O S F P )
R0 \I21tr
62 I v(c5r + ow) I 4 % { KcosI[%) —KII sin[%)}
Eqs 1a-1c are valid for plane stress, while Eqs ld-lfg have to be added for a spatial
stress state. All those stress field equations are based in a cylindrical co-ordinate system
with the co-ordinates r, (p and 2 (Figure 5). For r 9 0 all stress fields becomesingular.
The parameters K1, K H and K111 are the stress intensity factors for the three fracture
modes (Figure 1). They describe the loading situation at the crack tip and can be used to
estimate the risk of fracture as well as for the description of the fatigue crack growth.
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