Fatigue Crack Paths 2003

Figure 1. B F Mmodel for crack propagation in infinite plate under tensile and shear stress.

Criterion II: ΔσΔσΔσΔσ

+ θ m a x criterion

For fatigue crack propagation, only the tensile part of the cyclic stress can be

effective. Δσ +θ max criterion assumes the direction of crack propagation coincident with

the direction perpendicular to the maximumof the positive range of the tangential stress

at the crack tip. By using the notations of Eqs (3) and (4), Δσ+θ can be written as


Δσ σ

θ = − +

m a x (0,) θ σ −



The crack propagation direction is assumed to be perpendicular to the direction of the

maximumof Δσ+θ.

Criterion III: ΔσΔσΔσΔσ



Under reverse loading, crack surfaces may come into contact with each other. When

crack-face contact takes place, the SIF value at the minimumload is different from the

nominal value calculated from the applied load. By taking into account of crack-face

contact, the minimumvalue of SIF was calculated by B F Mand is denoted by K*min. The

range of SIF is expressed by

* * max min K K K Δ = −


The crack tip was closed under the minimumload for all cases of the experiments. The

mode I component K*Imin is zero, so ΔK*I = KI max . On the other hand, the mode II

component K*IImin is not zero. The range of the tangential stress and the crack direction

are calculated by substituting ΔK*I and ΔK*II for ΔKI and ΔKII in Eqs (5) and (6),


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