Fatigue Crack Paths 2003
After substituting the near-field solutions of Eq. 1 into Eq. 19, considering oz=0 and
differentiating partially by (p0 the following formulation can be found for (00:
—6Kltan (p_° —Kn 6—12tan2 & + 4KI—12KHtan (P_° - 2 2 2
.[_ 6K1 tan[?°J _ 1({6 _ 12tan2
_ 32x1, tan[?°)
2 ‘1/2
: 0
The second deflection angle \[10 (Figure 10) is defined by the direction of 61’ and can be
calculated according to the calculation of the maximumprincipal stress angle using Eq.
1 \[10 I 5arctan[
21.4%) J
During the investigation of fatigue cracks under superimposed normal and shear loading
the determination of a comparative stress intensity factor Kv is necessary for the
calculation of the portion of crack propagation. For plane loading conditions Kv is only
depending on K1 and KH. Dealing with three-dimensional crack fronts K m has to be
taken into consideration as well. F r o mEq. 18 a formulation for Kv can be derived as
KV : %cos[(p2—°){Kl cos2
— 3K1, sin((p0)
3 + ‘ / [ K I c o s 2 [ % ) — E K n s i n ( ( p O ) ] +4KI2II I K I c
where Klc is the fracture toughness for pure ModeI-loading.
Criterion by Richard
In order to simplify the prediction of crack growth under multiaxial loading
approximation functions have been developed [7]. Furthermore, the formulas are helpful
for practical application.
The function Eq. 8 can easily be extended for Mixed-ModeI+II+III loading conditions
by replacing the denominator (K1 +|KH|) by (K1 +|K11|+|K1H|).
This leads to the new
approximation function for the crack deflection angle (00 as defined in Figure 10:
K 1 + | K 1 1 I + | K 1 1 1 I K 1 +IKIII+IKIIII
where(p0<0° for K H > 0and (p0>0°for K H < 0and K1 0.
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