ECF26: Roma 2028
Gruppo Italiano Frattura
Provisional budget
It is possible to summarize a provisional budget as follows: Website (mobile and desktop versions):
5000 € (5 years maintenance included)
Conference rooms Posters and decorations Social dinner rooms Financial return to ESIS
25000 € (max)
5000 €
Conference management & congress organizer
25000 € (max)
15000 € 10000 € 12000 € 15000 € 5000 €
Procedia Structural Integrity issue (400 papers) 10 invited lecturers (travel and fees) 4 invited speakers for Summer School (travel, hotel 2 nights) Remote event organization and videorecording of the presentations
15000 €
Regular participant Participant kit Welcome cocktail Lunches (30 € x 4) Coffee breaks (15 € x 8)
40 €/participant 20 €/participant 120 €/participant 120 €/participant 150 €/participant 50 €/participant
Social dinner Social event
ESIS member participant Fee discount for ESIS members
- 50 €/participant
Accompanying person Welcome cocktail
20 €/participant 120 €/participant 50 €/participant
Social dinner Social event
Proposed Fees In presence participation
Before April 30, 2028
After April 30, 2028
800 € 400 € 200 € 200 € 550 € 250 € 150 €
850 € 450 € 250 € 200 € 600 € 300 € 200 €
Graduate student Accompanying person
Summer School
Remote participation
Before April 30, 2028
After April 30, 2028
Graduate student Summer School
Fees include (in presence) Full participation in all the sessions Conference bag Welcome cocktail Lunches and coffee breaks Social event Conference dinner Publication of one paper on PSI
Fees include (in remote) Remote participation to all the sessions Remote participation to social event Publication of one paper on PSI
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