PSI - Issue 42

Karlo Seleš et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 42 (2022) 1721–1727 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000





Fig. 1. Uniaxial material characterization, a) mean stress-strain curve for PMMA, b) the PMMA uniaxial sample geometry

From the uniaxial results (Figure 1) it’s visible that PMMA has brittle behavior with very low amount of plastic deformation before final failure.

Table 1. Mean values of material parameters for uniaxial test of PMMA Young’s modulus E, [Mpa] 3204.3 Tensile strength Rm, [Mpa] 59.76 Poisson's ratio ν, [ -] 0.374

After the uniaxial tests, the fracture toughness tests are performed on compact tension (CT) samples ( Error! Reference source not found. ) from the same material as uniaxial samples.

Fig. 2. Compact tension (CT) sample of PMMA

The fracture toughness is calculated from performed tests according to ASTM E399. The fracture toughness shows that material behaves very brittle. The results of monotonic CT tests are shown in Error! Reference source not found. 3/2 IC K = 1, 207 MPa m 38,16 N/mm =

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