PSI - Issue 42

Sebastiano Fichera et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 42 (2022) 1291–1298 Fichera et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000



6. Conclusions

In this paper a method to integrate over an entire integration domain containing two discontinuities without splitting it into multiple subdomains has been presented. This method is an enhancement of the solution by means of equivalent polynomials proposed by Ventura (2006) and Ventura et al. (2015) and it can be a powerful tool in the context of XFEM, when addressing multiple fracture problems. Also two shell-type XFEM elements have been presented: a three-node triangular element and a four-node quad rangular element. These elements have been implemented into OpenSees in order to evaluate crack propagation in brittle materials. The proposed XFEM elements are an enhancement of the finite elements with drilling degrees of freedom recently presented by the authors Fichera et al. (2019). The proposed XFEM elements have been used to evaluate crack propagation into a plane shell subject to monotonically increasing loads. The results presented in the numerical applications validate the proposed formulation and enable the use of OpenSees framework to address frac ture mechanics problems. Future developments for the proposed elements will include the handling of multiple discontinuities by a single XFEM element, as well as a non-linear compressive behaviour.


Reaserch support by S.T.S. srl - Software Tecnico Scientifico, Italy is gratefully acknowledged. Research support by Politecnico di Torino, Italy is gratefully acknowledged.


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