Crack Paths 2012
2 _ r R
I 2 H j i g, ;'M"R I a
2 rR 8a 4at
Then, the radial and the circumferential normalstresses are:
o’E’aq t H 4m
1 2
—r2 2
,t = _ —- + _ E _ - E 75),]? 2 6 orlr )
18 ( )
8a l(4at) FR (4at)
ot'E'qa t i H2) 1 r2 ’ t : — _ 4 a t _ 4at + _2 E - _R _ Gelr ) “M2 2 e 8 8a "R I 4at r ’ 4at —I"2
( )
These radial and circumferential normal stresses are then calculated with the
following typical values for steel: a Youngmodulus E=210GPa, a Poisson ratio v=0.29,
a thermal expansion coefficient of the material ot:1.2><10‘5 K4, and the line heat source is taken equal to the unity (qzl W.m‘l). The figure 3 gives for rRI4 p mthe evolution of
the radial stress as it varies with the radius for two times tzl s and t:l0 s. Note that the
radial stress is always negative because the material is under compression due to the
thermal expansion of the material near the crack tip. The figure 3 is an enlargement of
the curve around the reverse cyclic plastic zone. This figure shows a minimumof the
radial stress. After t=l s and t=l0 s, the minimumradial stresses are respectively equal
to —2.2xl072 M P aand -l .9> the reverse cyclic plastic zone (r = 0) are 17 u mand 16 p mfor a unit line heat source —l=10s -———l=1s H‘ F CL ll 2. , 2. § 1} -—t=10s g l: l‘ ----l=15 : w j m 1; 0.015 d *5 41,015 8 B ms on I I! 43020 0 0 m 4 1 m- I | | | | | { W 5|, 1 0.00 0,0: i102 cws 0.0: 0.05 40 a‘ . RECIIUS [m] Radius[pm] _a_ _b_ Figure 3: The distribution of the radial normal stress for various times for a unit heat source q = 1 Wm‘1and rR = 4 pm; a) general view, b) enlargement near the reverse cyclic plastic zone. 54
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