Crack Paths 2012
1. Registration, generation, calculation:
σij(t), εij(t), (i,j=x, y, z)
2. Determination of the critical plane position
3. Calculation of the equivalent history σeq(t)
4. Cycle and half-cycle counting (rain flow)
5. Calculation of the damage degree S(TO)
6. Calculation of the fatigue life TCAL
Figure 1. Algorithm for determination of the fatigue life of materials under multiaxial
service loadings.
The aim of the paper is comparison of the variance method and the method of
damage accumulation for determination of the critical plane position with the results of
Specimens of round sections were tested (see Fig. 2). Those were cut from the sheets
16 m m thick, according to the rolling direction. The specimen surface have been
obtained by turning followed using conventional polishing with progressively finer
emery papers. A final average roughness 0.16 μ mhas been measured. Diameter of the
specimens was d = 8 m mfor pseudo-random loading. Somemechanical properties of
the tested steel are given in Table 1. The tests were performed, in the high cycle fatigue
regime (HCF) under variable amplitude and pseudo-random bending with torsion
loading, at Opole University of Technology [6]. The fatigue stands was used to carry
out fatigue tests. The stand MZGS-200PL(pseudo-random loading), with the
dominating frequency 28.8 Hz for bending and 30 Hz for torsion, is applied for fatigue
tests of specimens made of structural materials subjected to non-proportional
combinations of the bending momentM Band the torsional momentMT.
Figure 2. Shape and dimensions of specimen, dimensions in mm.
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