Crack Paths 2009


Two dimensional linearly elastic analyses are normally used in the consideration of

crack path directional stability. Related experimental work is usually carried out on

sheets or plates of constant thickness, which are regarded as quasi two dimensional. A

Stage II fatigue crack propagating in ModeI may be regarded as directionally stable if,

after a small random deviation, it returns to its expected, ideal crack path, as shown in

Figure 7. A directionally unstable crack does not return to the ideal path following a

small random deviations; its path is a random walk, which cannot easily be

predetermined. These ideas are not easily given rigorous mathematical form [16]. For

example, arbitrary limits have to be placed on what is regarded as returning to the ideal

crack path. Crack path stability is an important consideration in the design of fracture

mechanics based fatigue crack propagation and fracture toughness test specimens.

Figure 7. Directionally stable crack propagation.

Deciding whether or not a particular crack path is stable is a difficulty in the

analysis of experimental crack path stability results. A practical definition of crack path

stability needs to be associated with a finite amount of crack propagation. The British

Standard for fatigue crack propagation rate testing [25], states that a crack path is

acceptable only if it lies within a validity corridor defined by planes 0.05W on either

side of the plane of symmetry containing the crack starter notch root. Here, W is the

specimen width, or half width for a specimen containing an internal crack. A compact

tension specimen, used for a fatigue crack propagation test, which did not meet this

requirement is shown in Figure 8. The light fracture area on the left is static failure

where the specimen was broken open for examination. The British Standard criterion

may be adapted as a crack path stability criterion by defining a stable crack as one

which remains within the validity corridor. This criterion is easy to apply, but has the

disadvantage that it does not take into account changes in stability as a crack


In a two dimensional analysis of a cracked body, the elastic stress field may be

expanded as a series [10]. The first term is the stress intensity factor, which dominates

the crack tip stress field, and is a singularity. Other terms are non-singular. For a ModeI

crack the coefficient of the first term is the ModeI stress intensity factor, KI, and the

second term is a stress parallel to the crack, usually called the T-stress. The third and

higher terms can usually be neglected. It has been argued [26] that the directional

stability of a ModeI crack in an isotropic material under essentially elastic conditions is

governed by the T-stress. If the T-stress is compressive and there is a small random


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