Crack Paths 2009
Analysis of spectrum fatigue crack growth in AA7050
specimens with three stress concentrations
W.Zhuangand L. Molent
Air Vehicles Division, Defence Science and Technology Organisation, Melbourne, VIC
3207, Australia.
ABSTRACT.Fatigue crack growth behavior in aluminium alloy 7050-T7451 under a
fighter aircraft wing root bending moment spectrum was investigated. The crack growth
data were measured by quantitative fractography for three groups of specimens with
different stress concentration geometrical features. Based on the analysis of the
measured spectrum crack growth data using linear elastic fracture mechanics, it was
found that the concept of geometry factors in the stress intensity factor could not
collapse the crack growth rate data derived from each stress concentration feature,
particularly near the small crack growth region. In order to investigate the possible
reasons for this, finite element analysis was used to determine notch plastic zone sizes
for each stress concentration geometry. As a consequence, an alternative crack growth
driving force by considering both notch elastic-plastic stress field and gross net-section
stress field was proposed and used to interpret the fatigue crack growth data under
spectrum loading.
Aircraft structures exposed to variable amplitude flight spectrum loading are prone to
2]. Fatigue critical structures in aircraft also contain a range of
fatigue failure [1,
geometric discontinuities such as fastener holes and cutouts that can cause stress
concentrations or create hot spots for fatigue crack initiation and propagation [3].
Therefore, the objective of this study is to investigate fatigue crack growth (FCG)
behavior in aluminium alloy specimens with different stress concentration features,
subjected to variable amplitude loading.
An extensive research effort has been devoted to investigating the effect of geometric
discontinuities, namely notches on F C Gbehavior due to their importance to aircraft
structural damage tolerance analysis. It is often required to predict the fatigue life of
notched members based on F C Gdata obtained experimentally from the specimens or
structures with different stress concentration factors ( ) or even smooth specimens [ t K 4,
5, 6, 7, 8].
It is noteworthy that all these studies were carried based on constant
amplitude (CA) fatigue tests at different stress ratios . For instance, Figure 1 shows the F C Gbehavior for diff rent notch root radii ( R ) in a low carbon steel plate with a U
shaped notch under C A loading at
[8]. It demonstrated that the crack growth rate
R = 0
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