Crack Paths 2006
Along the deflected segments, an effective driving force can be determined by
applying the coplanar strain energy release rate theory. Accordingly, the effective SIF
is given by:
k k
eff k
2 I2I I
and, by using Eq. 1, we obtain:
N o wlet us apply the Paris-Erdogan law to the periodically-kinked crack:
Im dsN K' C
where dNds = crack growth rate for the kinked crack (s = linear-piecewise coordinate
along the kinked-crack path);
I K ' = mean value of the Stress Intensity (SI) range for the
kinked crack.
The value of
I K ' is represented by the weighted average of the ModeI SI range
I K '
along the straight segments and of the effective SI range
(see Eq. 3b in terms of SI
ranges) along the deflected segments [3], that is
b a k b K a eff I ' '
K b a I '
b a
and, since b a, we obtain:
cos - Considering the fact that, when the kinked crack spans a distance b a, the projected 1
' ' I I K K
straight crack spans a distance
-cosba , the following relationship between the crack
growth rate for the kinked crack (dNds) and that for the projected straight crack
(dNdl)holds :
dsN b a - cos
b a
and, since b a, we obtain:
-cos1 2
By substituting Eqs 5b and 6b in Eq. 4, the following fatigue crack growth law in
terms of the nominal quantities dNdl and
I K ' is determined:
m '»¼º«¬ª --cos1cos121 I
The modified expression of the Paris-Erdogan law proposed in Eq. 7 takes into account
the influence of the degree of kinking on the fatigue crack growth rate. In particular, it is
I K ' values, the crack growth rate dNdl decreases as the value of
shown that, at equal
the kinking angle increases.
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